The ventilator is a tool which used to change the wind power and even the wind direction. It is used to annoy the hell out of players which are on the wrong side of the map.
You simply place it anywhere on the map with one single click close to your player. The ventilator will face in the same direction as you do.
After you placed the ventilator, your turn ends. From now on, the ventilator stands on the map as an object and changes the wind on every turn start.
If the ventilator faces left, the (natural) wind will be pushed to the left, if you pushed it right, then it pushes the natural wind to the right.
The ventilator effect only applies on the start of each turn. The player can still tamper with the wind with (for example) the "No Wind" extra. The ventilator ignores this.
The default ventilator changes it so strong that if the natural wind is maximum left and the ventilator faces right, the resulting wind will be zero and if natural wind is zero, the result wind is maximum right.
So with one right-facing ventilator the wind only can range from zero to maximum right now instead from maximum left to maximum right.
It is possible to have multiple ventilators on the map. If there are at least two right-facing ventilators and no left-facing, resulting wind will ALWAYS be maximum right now.
You can undo the wind effect in multiple ways:
Destroy the ventilator. Shouldn't be too hard, a ventilator has only 30 HP. And it explodes on destruction.
Build another ventilator which faces in the opposite direction. The wind change of 2 ventilators facing opposite directions is zero.
If you destroy the ventilator, the ventilator effect stops finally on the next turn and not immediately
There is a simple formula to calculate the possible wind on a turn start:
W is resulting wind
L is the number of left-facing ventilators
R is the number of right facing ventilators.
the meaning of the possible W values are:
–2 and lower: wind blows at maximum left
–1: wind ranges from maximum left to zero
0: wind ranges from maximum left to maximum right
1: wind range from zero to max. right
2 and higher: wind is max. right
Technical stuff:
I added some easy-to-change settings into the script. Just open the CC/scripts/Kiffer-Opa/Ventilator.lua in any text editor and look for the settings. Currently, it is possible to change the animation speed and more important: the wind power of the ventilators. How this works is written in this file.
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