SandvichBetaM User Offline 06.11.09 04:27:10 pm Sadvich heals you in the field of battle. Use it wisely. May the Heavy be with you. Keep in mind that this was done a few days after CC's release edit: Little comments make me laugh! edited 2×, last 13.09.10 10:05:56 pm Approved by Seekay (21.12.15 04:19 am) Download 158 kb, 769 Downloads
Overseer User Offline 03.01.11 02:50:12 pm nooo! stupid script! i can't eat sandvich! nooo! I like it!
^^SubzeroAx User Offline 16.09.10 07:03:12 pm Ye its okay but sandvich^^ i think sandwich xd nice work but 4/5 only I like it!
Kiffer-Opa User Offline 13.09.10 08:55:48 pm This does not look so good. The pink borders does make the sandwich look like shit.
Cure Pikachu User Offline 18.08.10 12:59:07 pm Sandvich and Sandwich *laughs* Now you satisfy me. I like it!
RyceR User Offline 12.08.10 09:52:22 pm You play TF? You make tf2d, multigame(sounds by tf2) and heavy sandwich now I like it!
martis67 User Offline 12.08.10 07:41:33 pm good im new in cc im dont know is this good or not I like it!
DudeTrotskygrad User Offline 24.05.10 08:03:22 pm Seriously, you just added a sound and a skin At least add a eating effect or something... But, a least the code is clean. Meh. I like it!
Vectarrio User Offline 11.04.10 10:46:41 am Nice, very nice, very funny if female (by name of the team member) eats it with the same sound of Heavy! Omnomnom omnom! I like it!