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English Long Bow, Golden Long Bow >

2 comments7 kb, 504 Downloads

old Long Bow, Golden Long Bow

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(version 1.1) (updated 12th of July 2011)

This package contains two weapons:

• Long Bow
• Golden Long Bow (YouTube-Video)

The Long Bow has 2 arrows which deal 15 damage each. The arrows fly faster and further than the arrows from the ordinary Bow. Hit players get also get a quite strong push from the arrow; it is stronger than the push from the ordinary Bow.

The Golden Long Bow has 2 golden arrows which deal 50 damage each. The arrow speed is equal to the Long Bow and a golden arrow pushes the players a bit more than a Long Bow arrow.

The arrows are affected by gravity and slightly affected by wind.

If you're looking for more bows, I recommend this:

version 1.0 to 1.1: The bows collide now with objects (like enegy shields), too. They also cause the same amount of damage on objects like they do on players. Before that, the bows just went through objects.
edited 4×, last 12.07.11 05:03:36 pm
Approved by SQ

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7 kb, 504 Downloads


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Awsome weapons, loved them !
I like it!


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You, Sir, just made my day.
I like it!
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