
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Chat Emojis # HC 1.9.4
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English Chat Emojis # HC 1.9.4 >

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old Chat Emojis # HC 1.9.4

Mami Tomoe
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This is an advanced module that you may implement into file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 .
Other versions of the framework (such as file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.3 ) will NOT work.
Specifically this module requires HC patch
1.9.4 (21/03/2025)
or newer.

This module will implement the "emojis" feature.
Said feature allows players to send emojis in the chat.

This file serves as a direct competitor to the files:
file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.5 & file cs2d Emojis in Chat
Specifically this made me want to release a better approach to having emojis in the chat.

Why is my approach better?
My approach does not modify the
file, rather, my module will inject itself into any existing
modules (so long as they're not too different) with no need for modification from the user end.
If you'd take a look at the code, you'll see how many hoops I had to jump through to make this as seamless as possible.

As this module is specifically made for file cs2d HC Admin Script 1.9.4 , it cannot work independently, but, that also means that it should work seamlessly.

You may configure custom emojis.
You may configure default emojis (not recommended).
You may configure emoji paths.
You may configure emoji patterns.
You may configure emoji names.
You may configure the permission to list the usable emojis.
You may configure the permission to change the usage pattern for emojis.

But you should really watch the video below to understand how flexible and amazing this module really is.

A little story about this module... >

Usage video:

edited 5×, last 23.03.25 08:48:17 pm
Approved by Gaios

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1.29 mb, 14 Downloads



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