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10 comments183 kb, 755 Downloads

old Emojis in Chat

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About the code:
Emojis in chat.

Drop Files in Cs2d Folder.

I created this code with my friend Reaxter.
doesn't work the same as hc's, hc's can only be used there, this one has better compatibility
They have a different mechanics and it is prepared to make work easier for users who want to use this with another administration menu.

edited 1×, last 09.06.20 02:35:46 am
Approved by BcY

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183 kb, 755 Downloads


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Awesome! Currently using this on Kgb2d server.
I like it!


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@user Reaxter: I will cut the route so that more spaces are available, I understand, time without seeing you, greetings .

@user The Dark Shadow: I do not care you like, I share it because I love the game.
I will add a switch for users and staff anyway, but I don't know if this will harm compatibility.
edited 1×, last 11.06.20 12:32:01 am

old Hi, I'm Reaxter.

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@user cs2d_is_a_Gem: That script was made for your spanish server, you absoluty need to change the words "MUERTO" and "EQUIPO" for "DEAD" and "TEAM".
And one thing more, you have make shorter the names of the images.


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@user TrialAndError: if you use the characters that way you will not have the sensitivity between lowercase and uppercase.
ej: o.o = o.o.png or O.o =o.o.png or o.O = o.o.png
it also detects if you added an extra compatible letter or not.

edited 1×, last 10.06.20 05:21:26 am


Mami Tomoe
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@user cs2d_is_a_Gem:
1. I didn't even download your file
2. I do not use my friends that can Lua script to upload files
3. I never spoke to you on Discord(?) let alone did I ever ask you to credit me for something??? What are you going on about? I don't even play role-play servers anymore nor do I care about you copying my stuff, even though I wasn't aware of that... Interesting... You're copying my servers, which is probably why this file is here, I was one of the few first scripters to add emojis to CS2D. As can be seen in my very early attempt at integrating emojis to CS2D:
4. You didn't even answer my question, if you had said it does check it, I would've probably given you a like, but your attitude is just too much for me to bare.

On-Topic: Can't go on topic because he didn't answer my question.


The Dark Shadow
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Offtopic: @user cs2d_is_a_Gem: Why would you share your personal problems here? Why wouldn't you tell him in private? It's not the right place to share personal problems with anyone though. That guy must be stopped...


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@mami Tomoe, yes, you doubt, because you cannot read lua codes and your friends make the files that you upload.

Not verify

Offtopic: mami tomor stop sending me messages on discord so you can credit yourself on my roleplay server, I already said no


Mami Tomoe
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I doubt this checks if adding an emoji will reach the max text a message is allowed to have was reached.


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What's wrong with this

Spoiler >
edited 2×, last 09.06.20 12:54:49 pm


The Dark Shadow
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I shall give you a like If you implement a feature to locally or globally disable or enable it, Of course disabling or enabling it globally should be only for administrators allowed. Also, The patterns are pretty hard for scripters at beginner level, If you could make an automatic 'name' to 'pattern' converter It would be impressive.
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