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Prison Break map (beta 6) by Kiffer-Opa

Use game mode "Standard"!


At least one of you must escape by crossing the finish line on the street. You can follow or ignore the orders from the Counter-Terrorists. If you don't follow the orders you may get killed.


Give the Terrorists tasks. Prevent an escape. Shoot the Terrorists when they attack you or try to escape. Do not shoot them without any reason (this is called a freekill).

- Map information -

0How to escape

If one Terrorist crosses the finish line on the street, Terrorists win. There are 3 ways to reach it:

Main gate

Use the triggers in the CT spawn or the tower beneath the main gate to open the main gate. The gate needs 10 seconds to open/close. This is the fastest way to escape.

Working grounds

The southern walls at the working grounds can be destroyed. Another way is to open the secondary gate with the trigger in CT spawn.

Left tower

The left tower has a door to outside with the longest way to escape.


Press one of the red buttons to start an alarm. Once started, the alarm can be deactivated by the red buttons in the CT spawn or the room with the table.

Video surveillance

Green lights are areas visible to cameras. Any Terrorist filmed by a camera starts an alarm and sends a message to all players where the Terrorist has been seen. To break down all cameras, either

- destroy the big machine in the CT spawn or

- destroy the big machine in the surveillance room

Standby mode

If a Terrorist has been filmed, the camera goes into standby mode and the green light turns red. Cameras in standby mode don't start alarms when a Terrorist was filmed. CTs can turn the standby mode off by pressing the reactivation button near the cam.

Tasks CTs can give Ts (examples)

- Take a shower!

- Destroy the stones in the working grounds!

- Destroy the weed to the west side!
Approved by SQ

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Moderator Off Offline

Looks like cool prison map...
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

some textures are good
I like it!
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