Stranded II General Problem with ground texturesProblem with ground textures
6 replies 1
If this doesn't work, your computer most likely isn't good enough (expecially your graphics card)
What are your computer's specifications?
S2 may have simple graphic, but it's very performanc intense...
he's computer is perfect to play stranded 2,i played stranded 2 whit a matroxg400,16mb vram in a 1145mhz processor and 256 ram.
You need to update your vga drivers,and also lastest directX
EDIT:it worked only because i clean my pc monthly form temps,i make defrag nd scandisks...
edited 1×, last 16.03.08 12:29:43 pm
What he means is the texture files themselves. The texture files are only a map of the texture, and then color is applied to them by the engine. If you open the map editor you actually paint colors on over the texture.
I believe that the brighter the gray is on the texture map, the brighter/stronger the color will be on the ground. If I have this right, for instance, black will always be black.