good luck DC
PS:what's this mania of changing nicks?everyday 1 to 1 the you guys are changing your nicks...
Pdicker how did you know? ado you guys know yourself in real or only in the forum?
good luck DC
PS:what's this mania of changing nicks?everyday 1 to 1 the you guys are changing your nicks...
beat me, I have no idea.
But there are rumors that people who want to change their names in boards more often then once in 5 years have serious mental problems ...
skiper has written
Pdicker how did you know? ado you guys know yourself in real or only in the forum?
- [Sw@T]L3aD3R is leetspeak which is forbidden in this forum (Yes, I know that there are other 1337-nicks but they are just products of my laziness because I did not add a protection against them)
- it contains "[" "@" and "]" which are also forbidden in new nicks
- its just very stupid and idiotic