You only increased the players movement by 10%?
Wtf were you thinking? The movement should be the exact same as "cs2d beta version".
And don't shutdown beta,
it's the best cs2d version ever.
All it needs is a better anti-cheat system.
Cs2d max is good don't get me wrong,
but most of us and i mean most of us not only me but most of the cs2d community like the old classic cs2d.
So please don't shutdown beta
Think about it. . . Hardcore Raver.. i really hate ppl like u.. SHUT THE FUCK UP!
"most of us like the old cs2d".. max has been out for a couple of days! DC is fixing all the bugs! and who the hell is "most of us" anyway? u mean like 2 of ur friends said so.. WHO CARES?
GET OVER IT.. hes fixing it! but whatha fuck is with the damage, man?
It's like, i make a bot game to test the version, on cs2d map then i shoot a whole clip on a bot owith a galil and what do you tghink happens? He dies?! Not...
He kills me on 42 health...
That's so shit Hardcore Raver:
ehhm, most of the players switched already to max.
LenZ: you have to increase the mp_damagefactor, I use 0.50 (0.54 should be cs2d
leegao: DC has written a few times that you don't slow down in CS2D max. There was a bug in which makes you speed up while moving diagonaly. DC Admin Offline
@Hardcore Raver: lol. you don't know what you are talking about. the old cs2d is pure crap compared with max. the only thing which is better in the old cs2d is that it has a better balancing. but it is not much work to change this in max. I would be insane and stupid if I would fix the old cs2d (which would probably take years) instead of balancing max (takes some hours, maybe days)
and about movement speed: it is okay the way it is. I'm not gonna make it faster. and for the third time: the fast diagonal movement speed in the old cs2d was a bug. I fixed this in max and I'm not gonna implement it again. Leo User Offline
lol pure crap
i agreee that max is way better than the old one after a few fixes, if that's what we're talkin about here.
i cant think of any more suggestions for max, maybe a few more maps
edit: oh just remebered sorry
that thingy were it only shows servers in your continent. like australia, america, asia, europe etc.. WHATS WITH THE SCOUT!? DC FUCKING ANSWER ME!
..., the scout is made up of lighter materials than the knife. Remember it should also have the fastest reload. In my opinion CS2D Max is shit compared to Dude you added a wrench, where the hell do you see a wrench in war games >.<. All it's gonna do is make it easier for campers, I thought adding that was dumb. The speed is extremely slow, I dont know why the hell u bothered with the speed at all. And yes way more people rather stay on than, The whole uS.3lite clan, Most of [TGV] clan, and all of |Kc| clan still plays and lots more of players. Only the noobs of CS2D who dont know what a real game is went to CS2D DC Admin Offline
guest: you are insane. EITHER stop playing my games please OR stop writing with capslock! speed with scout will be reduced in the next version anyway.
anonymous: the wrench is an OPTIONAL thing. you can't even get it in the standard game mode/maps. just don't play on servers where it is activated when you don't like it! many people like this feature and it is much fun - and fun is the most important thing. I really don't care if you think that a wrench fits or not.
most people who stick to are just not open for changes in my opinion. of course there are changes but this does not have to mean that this is bad.
there are always people who dislike some things/changes and others who like them but in the end its MY decision how I want MY game to be. if you think is better: fine! keep playing it. But I'm not going to support this version in future. edited 1×, last 05.08.08 03:22:05 pm
DC I just saw someone speed hacking.. I thought you fixed that?
I opened a construction server and uPraTe6 (blackmorpheus)
entered my server and was moving very fast with a wrench he moved so fast that in 2 seconds hes out of my screen.. I told you that that stupid hacker can do whatever he wants =.=
blackmorpheus STOP hacking DC Admin Offline
there is a simple clientside speedhack protection but it is not very efficient. It will be replaced with a better one in the next release.
furtheremore I'll add a serverside movement control/speedhack protection later. that's one important thing which is still very incomplete. ok.
and one more thing, why cant I maximize the windowed play of CS2D MAX??
in the old shitty cs2d max i always played in freesizemode and then made it bigger, so it was still big and looked like fullscreen but i can still acces MSN etc.
where is this in Max? I can only play in fullscreen or a very small window! DC Admin Offline
I'm sorry but this is not possible in cs2d max and it probably never will be. WHAT!?
you cant play freesizemode? Ive been playing freesizemode for 4 years! im not gonna try to get my skills back in fullscreen ,it feels different and the aim goes different ! PFFF! i been playing cs2d in freesizemode for 4 years! Admin/mod comment
Please actually try to think before talking. You're this close to getting banned by DC. Stop Pissing people off. Dc Well I'm not trying to say CS2D Max is a shitty game. It's great but I still like the old version better because of the speed. The speed in is extremely slow, I walk like a Panzi. When u move diagnoly, you walk even more slower, if u can at least make the speed same as it was in then I might actually like it and start to play it more, although you dont care if I play it or not. Just please fix the speed. I can't open via the default CounterStrike2D.exe, I can only open via the "directx-" thingy.
It says something about resolution, I think the game should ignore my resolution somehow. And automaticly adjust to the screen resolution I have, in my opinion.
Even if I change my resolution to 800x600 like it says, it still says that message.
I'm not sure what the problem is... but anyways I can still play it. DC Admin Offline
njarghs! how often do I have to repeat the same thing before everyone gets it?
in cs2d you moved FASTER when you moved diagonally as when you moved not diagonally. it was a BUG. you just think that it is correct in the old cs2d because you moved that way all the time.
in cs2dmax I fixed this bug. you move with the same speed, no matter which direction. it is now correct with correct math. I'm not gonna change this no way - as I already said about 10 times now! ignore this perosns DC
form version to version cs2dmax get better
the speed is now ok (mustnt get change in future)
and playing ctf with the wrench is cool
GOOD WORK! Another bug.. I just took out my knife and I saw my KNIFE zoomed IN?? I saw the zoom scope with black shroud when ur zoomed in 1x, with a KNIFE!!
fix the bug plesae! Lee Moderator Offline
DC has written
in cs2dmax I fixed this bug. you move with the same speed, no matter which direction. it is now correct with correct math. I'm not gonna change this no way - as I already said about 10 times now!
Well this actually takes a great chunk of tactical advantages out of the game. The thing that made people pros in the old cs2d was not just aiming, but also the ability to dodge bullets effectively. This was done through a rhythmic combination of diagnal and horizontal straffing. The point of this is to simulate random acceleration and deceleration which will make it extremely hard to hit the player. That's the primary factor in determining pros vs normal players. However at this point in the game, a player is only capable of depending on weapon strength. Which is a main factor in why currently, if one player uses a deagle verses even a tmp, the person using the tmp will almost always come out with pretty much 70 to 80% of their health in tact. The exploitation of this bug in the old cs2d can be comparable to the slope bug in cs, which led to the surf maps, but to a much larger extent and would be decimating if taken out of the game since so many people are already dependent on it for truly amazing matches (instead of who's got the bigger gun games).
So what I'm asking is for you to allow alternating modes of movement controlled by the server (which needs to only send one extra byte at join time and during the movement events) so that players can choose whether to use realistic movement or 0104 movements and no one would come onto the forum to suggest that you change the movement for another hundred times. I think you'll be surprised at how many people (if they knew about the command) would choose 0104 instead, I would project around 80 to 90% of all servers, and every dedicated server made (except for a few who wants to accomodate everyone)
Also it would be nice if we would be able to manipulate the speeds of the servers manually and such. On a broader scale, I believe someday we would be asking for manual manipulation of all the factors of the game and I Think it would be prudent if a scripting language also be developed parallel to the commands, with just a few tweaks such as adding conditional blocks, subordinate blocks, and preferably co-routine but if not possible, subroutine blocks to allow complete control of the servers.