CS2D General CS2D Max - Suggestionsgettin shot when ur dead (some one firing right at the center of ur screen, AWP will actually kill u :P)
the health bug, where due to high latency, you will not die, or be able to kill, but u can still plant/defuse/hostage rescue
and the one cheech said where a sprite is drawn somewhere in the map but he wont move or anything, and he's probly not even in the server
btw:how works this maptransfer?
the maptransfer uploads the map data?
or u give an Url , and the clients down it? ¤like in enemyTERRITORY, etc.¤
edited 1×, last 17.06.07 10:43:20 am
if everytime the server must upload big mapdata, the server will lag soo much..
so how is the solution?
like DC said, the maps wont be processed by the USGN server at all, it'll be in a way a P2P connection
but then again its using the valve server whch i guess stores all the maps -.-
edit: dc, what do you think about auto-voicechat?
example: if you throw a grenade, it says automatically: fire in the hole!
but if u kill an enemy, it dont says automattically: enemy down!
edited 2×, last 19.06.07 09:53:11 pm
and nice idea
DC has written
hm okay... I'm not going to close this but I'm also not going to comment the suggestions. Maybe I'll add the one or other thing.
Saadi has written
I think its also a good idea. dc, what do you think about my suggestion?
skiper(side doors):need backup
skiper:need backup
Ak25(Back Doors):Need Backup
the word "need backup" are like in a different color i think i forgot
DC cant you add something like .pk3 files where all map stuff is included, so you can just add a link to download of this pk3 file in cs2d ;
the advantage is that the server recources are preserved, that means that the server gets faster, and btw. the dowload of the files are muuch faster, than if a server with dsl 6000 would upload them!
The disatvantage is maybe that unnecesary files are included in this .pk3 file.
But thats really unimprotant if you compare the speed of upload of the server and downloading them from somewhere else!
edited 2×, last 23.06.07 08:44:16 pm