CS2D General CS2D Max - Suggestions Aj has written
A few suggestions for the next update:
Raise AWP's damage rate
Lower Scout's damage rate
Add speed Bug (From beta
Raise Deagle's damage (Equivalent damage to beta would be appropiate)
Fix contruction bug
Add spectating Aim line (From beta
Agree to all of this. except this name part lol id like to know who im killiing.
Raise AWP's damage rate
Lower Scout's damage rate
Add speed Bug (From beta
Raise Deagle's damage (Equivalent damage to beta would be appropiate)
Fix contruction bug
Add spectating Aim line (From beta
Agree to all of this. except this name part lol id like to know who im killiing.
The scout does 48 dmg withKH actually lol.
I think its the movement damages I think your talking about.
edited 1×, last 05.10.08 11:47:19 pm
Admin/mod comment
flame is forbidden! /DC SG Master Chief has written
i got a few suggestions
first why cant p90 have scope
second those bugs are realy annoying
i think tanks or some kind of vehicals should be added to cs2d.
laser should not have so much ammo
m3 needs farther range
and you should add those drum clips so you can buy reg ammo or drums which hold like 100 rounds but cost like 3x as much.
well i think thats bout all that is reasonly since dc doesnt like my other suggestions
first why cant p90 have scope
second those bugs are realy annoying
i think tanks or some kind of vehicals should be added to cs2d.
laser should not have so much ammo
m3 needs farther range
and you should add those drum clips so you can buy reg ammo or drums which hold like 100 rounds but cost like 3x as much.
well i think thats bout all that is reasonly since dc doesnt like my other suggestions
lee uses more complex words than you could ever fit out in one sentence.
P90 has a sight I thought, but whatever
Yeah like DC isnt going to fix the bugs
COD2D like Diamond already said.
Laser is just for fun.
m3 dosent need farther range, its a shotgun
not explaining
Your suggestions arent the best lets just say
yes the armor IS overpowered and the handguns ARE too weak. you don't need to repeat things which have already been said several times.
edited 2×, last 06.10.08 10:56:06 am
~more fun
~will act as a primary weapon
~customise your own combination (deagle and glock, usp and five-seven etc)
-it'd be interesting if you clicked the left mouse button and the pistol on your left will shoot and if you clicked the right mouse button the pistol on your right will shoot
edited 1×, last 07.10.08 07:03:42 am
Next Suggestion
I do not have a clue as if this as already suggested but I am gonna suggest it anyways.
Make it where the player controls how fast you shoot a pistol. For example, when I am playing and I click my mouse fast, a bullet shoots out for ever click that I make. Would be a lot better than just holding down the mouse button and it shoots at it's own slow rate.
Circa has written
Make it where the player controls how fast you shoot a pistol. For example, when I am playing and I click my mouse fast, a bullet shoots out for ever click that I make. Would be a lot better than just holding down the mouse button and it shoots at it's own slow rate.
I agree!
I don't know if anybody suggested this but, the gate fields maximum buildings per player shouldn't be 3!
CS2D and have that...
I disagree with that.
In gates where infinite (I think they where, but I saw very gate fields!).
How about making gate fields infinite? Like barbed wire?
Or just another maximum number, like 10 ou 15, because 3 is just not fair and cool.
you know wat would be better then the buyable teleports
torrets that u can sit in and shoot at enemys im tired of the computer torret its perfect aim!
by the way im [MC].Triple.H.
SG Master Chief has written
hmm how about new buidlings like say a teleport u can build at ur base and than run to your enemys base and build on there so its like a 2 way teleport and it would probably be easy to destroy but fast transportation
Horrible Idea. I see dozens of cases where this will be abused, mainly as a spawn kill device, as well as rendering many of the existing map logic invalid.
SG Master Chief has written
im tired of the computer torret its perfect aim!
the turrent are very easy to destroy, just look at the position of the machinegun, sneak out shoot, go back in cover, or check the turrents position move outside his fov and shoot until you recive a bonus for destroying the building, and the turrent firerate is very slow, so I don't have any problems to destroy turrents without being hit.
Admin/mod comment
please don't do multiple posts in a row... don't you see the warning message?! use the edit function. /DCI also dislike the teleporter idea. leegao is right in my opinion.
however I agree that servers should be able to control how many buildings of which type players are allowed to construct.