CS2D General CS2D Max - Suggestions The mad man has written
speech bubble chat so only people near you can hear
Grow up seriously, as DC said "Stupid idea".
DC, why does the scout do more damage than the AWP?
Absolutely stupid, seeing the scout also fires double the pace.
About names showing, could you remove it in the next version? I don't see why we need it. It make the game alot more enjoyable.
If the names didn't show at all he/she could create professional decoys using the Map Editor and have noobs running around shooting decoy's which would be quite hilarious.
Moving on to the Map Editor,
is it possible for you to allow "effects" over "effects" (eg. Placing a breakable effect over a func_teleport).
Not really a major concern, appreciate it though.
And grenades does too much damage even when im behind a wall. It should be reduced to like 1 damge
He said he isnt making 2 entities on one tile.
ILLECTRO has written
Circa man stop flaming about other peoples! Do you mean that it will be cool to buy just 3 grenades? I told before then dont play this game or this a own V-server, make ya own servers with own maps and then be happy! PS:i know this He Spamming is really annoying but when im feed up im leaving WITHOUT calling other ppl nooblike like you do.I know that you have not the skill and right to call other ppl noob-nobody has.Remember my Skill and then see yours ;/
Well I just took the time to read all of my posts on the last page and I have noticed that I have not called anyone a noob or flamed in any way in any of my posts. Don't compare skills here, if you want to compare skills, go on my forum, request a one on one against me and we can settle that, as far as I know last time we played together I played as good as you. So please no more bullshit. If you want to make stupid, lame, noobish comments about someones post, then read the whole post and comment on it correctly.
@Diamonds Name Suggestion : I think that would be pretty sick as well as funny.
Circa has written
Well I just took the time to read all of my posts on the last page and I have noticed that I have not called anyone a noob or flamed in any way in any of my posts. Don't compare skills here, if you want to compare skills, go on my forum, request a one on one against me and we can settle that, as far as I know last time we played together I played as good as you. So please no more bullshit. If you want to make stupid, lame, noobish comments about someones post, then read the whole post and comment on it correctly.
@Diamonds Name Suggestion : I think that would be pretty sick as well as funny.
ILLECTRO has written
Circa man stop flaming about other peoples! Do you mean that it will be cool to buy just 3 grenades? I told before then dont play this game or this a own V-server, make ya own servers with own maps and then be happy! PS:i know this He Spamming is really annoying but when im feed up im leaving WITHOUT calling other ppl nooblike like you do.I know that you have not the skill and right to call other ppl noob-nobody has.Remember my Skill and then see yours ;/
Well I just took the time to read all of my posts on the last page and I have noticed that I have not called anyone a noob or flamed in any way in any of my posts. Don't compare skills here, if you want to compare skills, go on my forum, request a one on one against me and we can settle that, as far as I know last time we played together I played as good as you. So please no more bullshit. If you want to make stupid, lame, noobish comments about someones post, then read the whole post and comment on it correctly.
@Diamonds Name Suggestion : I think that would be pretty sick as well as funny.
This is off topic but the superiority needs to stop man.
@topic, is it me or scope weapons are bugged? I've aimed 2x scope and most of the time no damage or it take so many bullets to kill. Is it bugged or just lag because my aiming isn't that bad.
ahuynh26 has written
@topic, is it me or scope weapons are bugged? I've aimed 2x scope and most of the time no damage or it take so many bullets to kill. Is it bugged or just lag because my aiming isn't that bad.
It's lag, i get the same problem.
Even though my aimer is directly on the opponents body,
and when i do hit them it only takes out 96 damage or so.
Therefore, you might aswel forget about the AWP if the scout fires double the pace,
and has a higher damage rate.
A few suggestions for the next update:
Raise AWP's damage rate
Lower Scout's damage rate
Add speed Bug (From beta
Raise Deagle's damage (Equivalent damage to beta would be appropiate)
Fix contruction bug
Add spectating Aim line (From beta
Remove "opponents" name
Some of these might have been mentioned already,
but non the less.
edited 4×, last 04.10.08 09:59:15 am
Raise AWP's damage rate
Lower Scout's damage rate
Add speed Bug (From beta
Raise Deagle's damage (Equivalent damage to beta would be appropiate)
Fix contruction bug
Add spectating Aim line (From beta
Agree to all of this. except this name part lol id like to know who im killiing.
first why cant p90 have scope
second those bugs are realy annoying
i think tanks or some kind of vehicals should be added to cs2d.
laser should not have so much ammo
m3 needs farther range
and you should add those drum clips so you can buy reg ammo or drums which hold like 100 rounds but cost like 3x as much.
well i think thats bout all that is reasonly since dc doesnt like my other suggestions
but watever i wont bring that up anymore
Let me think what you can change...hmmm:maybe the dammage of Pistols raise by 2 points,Deagle is now 11 isnt?14-15 would be more realism couse of the low capacity.
#Movement is fine(
maybe a little more leeway in the length and in width. I think so you can dodge better.)
#Dammage of the other weapons is also fine.
#Snipers are also totally balanced.
#He Grenades Dammage should be more less field dammage.
#The flashgrenades should be less numbing when you turn around before the explosive.
#Flare grenades should have a lil bit more view.btw set their price on 250$
I hope you will change this to get a perfect Cs2d Max.Oh yea and please finish Max as soon as possible.Most players are waiting till final release.....