
-You Can Press"ANY"key to make a snowball for few time when you on the tile of snow(also, create a new type of tiles!)
-Teleport for Ts/CTs only.
-Env_Item Can Be Triggered.(Is This Function available?I'm not sure)
AND, Here is a stupid Question

How Do info_Storm and info_OldRender work?

Is possible to open the "color board" of windows?
something like that?

Then we will have 100000000 of colors to choose...
but if u cant, thats no problem...

edited 1×, last 23.09.08 04:12:26 pm
Reaper has written
No thats not in the game so far, but ofc I would make the game more challenging. But I am not sure, if it is a good idea in an 2d game, because there are no special hit areas as in a 3d game.
well what i mean is that the longer you shoot the more widespread your bullets will be. what you mean special hit areas :P? and its a good thing that it makes the game more challenging cuz i'v been hearing a lot of complaints that cs2d has become more of a game of luck than skill.
Guest has written
Info_Storm adds wind to your map, throw a smoke grenade in a map with that entity added and you'll see the difference. Here are some ideas:
-You Can Press"ANY"key to make a snowball for few time when you on the tile of snow(also, create a new type of tiles!)
-Teleport for Ts/CTs only.
-Env_Item Can Be Triggered.(Is This Function available?I'm not sure)
AND, Here is a stupid Question
How Do info_Storm and info_OldRender work?
-You Can Press"ANY"key to make a snowball for few time when you on the tile of snow(also, create a new type of tiles!)
-Teleport for Ts/CTs only.
-Env_Item Can Be Triggered.(Is This Function available?I'm not sure)
AND, Here is a stupid Question

How Do info_Storm and info_OldRender work?
About the Info_OldRender, that entity doesn't do much in my opinion. I've tried that entity, and it removes the buildings in construction mode or more like hiding the building graphics, but the buildings are still there, I have no idea why it does that I don't know if this has been already fixed but just wanna notify y'all. I like the idea about the trigger that allows env_item entity to be either on/off. That could be good sometimes when you want to disable/enable weapon cache's (as in env_item's).
edited 1×, last 24.09.08 07:19:35 pm
As you know there are no areas like that in cs2d, so I would find spraying a bit annoying and useless.
P.S. There we no medic kits in the map
1.your friend is a hacker
2. theres a problem with the server
3.or, he uses kevlar+helmet.
spf357 has written
nobody disregard you as a noob, but this is really strange. there are 3 possibilitys:
1.your friend is a hacker
2. theres a problem with the server
3.or, he uses kevlar+helmet.
1.your friend is a hacker
2. theres a problem with the server
3.or, he uses kevlar+helmet.
Thanks lol

P.S. I've never had this problem before version
edited 1×, last 25.09.08 08:49:24 am
however the actual damage you inflict is calculated server-side of course. you play online which means that there are always little differences between positions/rotations/game states. they are caused by the time the data needs to be sent from you and other players to the server and back (=ping).
so it can always happen that the server calculates something which you don't see. maybe you're still behind a wall on the server and so you just hit the wall and don't inflict any damage but you think you do because you are on another position on your pc.
this whole thing can happen always when you play online. even if pings are pretty low. there can also be sever-side lags (affecting your own movement server-side) which you don't see as client.
edited 1×, last 27.09.08 09:48:45 pm