This overview was tested in the 0104 servers and the results were astonishing. The original servers experienced a recidivism rate of around 50% of all hackers that were banned. Prime example would be Kira and many other "smart" hackers. However, manual administrative methods introduced in the CS2DG Dedicated servers, when used effectively, reduced the recidivism rate down to around 1 hacker in every 20, 5%. And those who do come back will only do so once and will not mind, and actually might feel relieved in, getting banned. And there are many telltale proofs of such efficacy such as screenshots showing hackers who have kpds of around 3:273 for the more stubborn hackers and 1:9 for the more common "noob" hackers who are just looking for giggles and fun.
Basically, I'm proposing on creating admin commands as well as modifiable community supported server commands as the priority of the next release in order to relieve the current influx of hackers. (Yes there are hackers, and quite a few of them as well) Not only that it will discourage people from attempting at making future hacks since they know it will be rather pointless to hack and still get kpd's around the range of 0.3 all the way to 0.01, effectively eliminating the whole purpose of hacking as a whole.
Also, I suggest using Lua as an intermediary language for the scripting environment since there is already support for lua and it's relatively easy for you to make restrictions to the scripting files. Meanwhile it will be more powerful by letting you use conditions and other higher level methods without need of native metaprogramming or self-created methods.
edited 1×, last 06.09.08 04:56:58 am