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cs source (disscusion/problems)
cs source (disscusion/problems)
3 replies 1.hi all! i have cs source and i am new in it its freaky awesome but i didnt realized why when i put only 2 bots in the game it lags like a but?
2. when i downloaded 2 maps for cs source from fpsbanana they didnt worked -.- i click on the map and then it just turn back the menu and nothing happents.First i thout it is becouse of the map but when i donwloaded another its the me! for the bots, idk if its for source, but wait a minute or 2 (matters by ur comps speed) and let the bots get used to the map, let it analyze the map, so just walk around a bit, and tadda! it should not lag that much,
and if u pt a lot of bots it will lag no its analyzed and it is lagy after it analyze with only 3 or 4 bots on cs 1.6 to make lag i have to ad 30 bots