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English Russian Federation president marasmus

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old closed Russian Federation president marasmus

User Playing CS2D

Hello us community
Since I always remember there support about many problems and situations I'm here to tell y'all about Russian situation with Ukraine:
I'm absolutely not giving afck about people skin colour/language/gender and other human being, but many people is watching TV, where news show to those people many lies.
I know that I'm one, who is guilty to the world's situation between Russia and Ukraine, because we all scared and don't know what to do.

I want to tell You, not all Russians are that shits who want blood and deaths.
Many people is being scared of current situation and run to another countries, because they don't want to die for precipice of Putin and his ambitions.

Right now young people is scared, old(, very old ones) is not understanding that Russian government is out of their brains so they doing shit, maybe bcs of God syndrome.

Many people, and me included, are feeling stressed, who are not(partly) guiltily at all, and we're all about peace in the world.

In the theme about War there was fascists is completely identical and different things. In the first one - I was not living in these times I'm not the one who is used to fight after other people, second is that I'm living in another time and not about to kill people. But Russia is now like a fascist, that just killing people for nothing, they make legends and lies about Ukraine.

Be peaceful and take care of Your closest friends and family.
edited 1×, last 02.10.22 07:30:14 am

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Off Offline

I think you'll find the Ukrainian administration is hardly less corrupt than the russian government.

and the American and EU foreign policy has no interest in peace, but esculation of the conflict for finanical and political gains.

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Off Offline

From working in the tourism industry, I've met people who were ashamed of telling me they were originally from Russia, as if I'd judge them (or the other tourists around) when I asked them where they were from - this sucks, as many people have been automatically labeled, sometimes even ostracised, because of the actions of a few, as if it is all their fault, collectively

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Playing CS2D

In fact yeah, many feel shame cuz all the time people were silent and did nothing not about only this situation, but the whole period of Russian government actions. All the time propaganda worked against people through TV. And people just eating that shit and always shut up so that's why they (all Russian government) is feel unpunished and immortal. So the war is here.

And about war: mobilization is underway. And people go to their deaths practically without any ammunition and weapons. Like a meat.

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

Super User Off Offline

I always liked your MORAlity Mora

Don't worry my friend, most people (hopefully) know that these things in the world are driven by certain people and not the nation itself.

Love you bro.

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

Super User Off Offline

user Jawohl has written
I think you'll find the Ukrainian administration is hardly less corrupt than the russian government.

Also, both are corrupt for the same reason: The Soviet Union (source). Russia is 136th on the index, and Ukraine is 122nd as of 2021.

I expect both of those to change for the better, based on my understanding that if a government gets enough attention, people will try to fix it.

Russian people have about as much evil as Putin has will to work towards the greater good (i.e. very little)

Don't worry too much about Russians being ostracized. I feel enough of us understand from the news that this is not a war for the collective public interest, but rather for Putin and a handful of other high-ups, along with a few right-wing commentators.

user Mora has written
people were silent and did nothing not about only this situation, but the whole period of Russian government actions

Hard to speak up when the penalty is death or life in prison. Not everyone was silent, but the people that spoke up were used as an example for others. Honestly, I don't blame them. I have sense of self-preservation as well. Also, it is surprisingly difficult to overthrow a dictator from within for many reasons, though social media and the internet help substantially by providing crucial information as well as communication (which is why the rulers often ban or restrict internet for the population)

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Off Offline

No one realy cares about what's happening in Ukraine neither in Pelastine hundred of years ago, that's how the world rocks. That's the sad truth and russian citizens ain't responsible for any government move.
Closed rofl

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Playing CS2D

It was a quote about heaven
Idk why is so hard to behave, but I realize anywhere will be such a shit like that.

The problem about people that believe to the Russian government is that they could not accept some facts about previous being corrupt and just killing people. Anytime You try to explain them situation, they say that NATO is about to grab the world under their use and that America and Ukraine is LGBT propaganda and nazis.

The 'specoperation' (which is war), meant to be about 7 days but now is over 200 days already and still many people couldn't calculate 1+1 and like a brainwashed zombies rather to say :'Your Internet is all lies, the only true shit is TV'. (< which is actually bullshit).

@user Xirot: I did not know about Palestine and were not into all that theme, but if I ever, surely will morally support peace everywhere.

The problem is that I dont know how can I leave this country or even region. Borders of the region is under police control and everyone who's tryin' to leave region or country will be turned back(not in case when y really cannot be called to the war/army).

One more thing is that Putin' now checking and testing nuclear weapon on the black sea shore. In that case NATO is about to somehow stop this shit, they know that not all Russians support war, but this is not a fucking Civilization game to play with such things..

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

Super User Off Offline

user Xirot has written
user StirlizZ-Fapicon: Dear Sterilized poor boi, my dick is gowing that's quiet enough for bastards like you. I told you 100 times don't talk to me.

Stupid thief like you talks about heaven, you better gtfo of people's country stupid count even your house ain't yours rofl.

Lmao imagine being a bigot on every thread you reply on. Wouldn't be me. Maybe just stay off the threads and go back to yelling at the TV so we don't have to deal with you.

user StirlizZ-Fapicon has written
user Xirot: dear subkebab, stop being yourself, since your first post here you didn`t grew up even for a bit. Git gud already lmao

For most, growing up happens in parallel with growing mature. There are clearly exceptions, evidently.

Anyway, Vladimir Putin is, in many aspects, similar to the rulers during WWI, both too powerful and not powerful enough. Complete dictatorships can end wars whenever they want without losing a foothold, and for complete democracies are subject to the people. When you have somewhat of a mix, it can be the most dangerous type, because they have to win wars they fight or lose their foothold.

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Playing CS2D

I share Your opinion about ww, moreover Putin's words are almost identical to Hitler's with same meaning but said in his own manner.

I see how comments in some post of this Z/V shit was like "Yeah, we will fuck these nazis and kill every bastard!", but after mobilization is happen many people just changed their avatars in social from Russian flag to their faces or random pictures. Where are they now?

The most horrible thing is that every day might be the last one for me or my friends or parents or any other people. I can run into another city that is in my region, but it doesn't matter cuz a bomb/rocket will land near or directly on my home.

I'm trying to explain to many people who I know or random ones who I accidentally talk with - that is not a defense, but an attack from RF to Ukraine. Many just say "C'mon You're a sick fuck!", many say "We cannot do anything.."

I'm not Ernesto Che Guevara so I dont know what to do in this situation too, same as many people.

/excuz meh for my shit english

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

Super User Off Offline

user Mora has written
many say "We cannot do anything.."

Political apathy will never start a revolution. The only positive social revolutions I know about happen in moments of optimism. The best, most effective way to do something is to get organized. That means starting a small united group of people with the ability to work together effectively to produce results. It is proven that when people are alone, little tends to get done about stuff and just live in existential panic. When people are organized and working towards a common goal, they figure things out.

Additionally, there is another phenomenon that works in your favor with a united group is seen in nature. Many trees have roots that connect to trees of their own kind, and will pass nutrients through their roots to other trees in need. This is sound evolutionary strategy, as the growth of the trees compounds and increases overall growth and stability. Groups of people (like families, for instance) can have traits analogous to trees. If all is managed fairly and competently, the group will get more powerful.

Thus, I see the best plan of action to be helping form a united group of people. Some women can take care of the children, freeing up time for others to make more meaningful contributions, some people can help convince others to join your cause, some can make sure to keep things from the government. When a group gets big enough, it can have a small militia, newspaper, and economy even. Also, it is possible to grow economically as a group even as the overall economy shrinks, thanks to how the tree analogy applies, and especially if you get an economic manager for the group. This may seem out of reach for you, and if so try to find someone with the confidence and optimism to accomplish things (there's always someone). Remember, everything starts out small.

Hopefully that helps you and others not only get through Russia's economic hardships, but maybe even play a large role in ending the violence. I wish you luck.

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Playing CS2D

I remember situation, maybe in France, when hippie young people with flowers moved to the government police, so they just fired them, killed many(or everybody).
Yeah I know that need somehow use brain, but government has weapons and it's cost no shit to simply kill people.

Is required to connect with all people in Russia, every city, home, village. But there still brainwashed, it means Civil War, meanwhile current one is not ended.
Anyway.. I think it's enough, thank You guys for support.
Please close this thread, I've expected some bullshit between normal speech, but I'm aware of chaos. I'm out of that already.

I hope that there will never be thread about my death

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

Super User Off Offline

I don't really recommend fighting the government. That is stupid and deadly and gets nobody nowhere. No, I mean just a union of people, working together, making life easier for the members. Any extra function (i.e. countering government propaganda) should be added only if or when the group is confident that it will succeed without there being severe harm to any of the members. Just like Putin, one must play the long game and avoid confrontation (which he managed to do until recently). One can find plenty of ways to influence events outside of one's control without repercussions. Public outrage makes protests (which are beaten down), public organization makes revolutions (the foundation of a future government) .

user Mora has written
Is required to connect with all people in Russia, every city, home, village

That is not necessary. You could essentially create an unofficial country within Russia if you had the will, and you do not need to steer people away from the pre-existing beliefs, true or not, as that is a process that cannot easily be sped up (many attempts have backfired before). It is not the people that are the enemy, even if they agree with the Kremlin. It is the system which they are under.

Also, if you were, hypothetically, running a secret group of anti-government revolutionaries, you would realize early on that most people wouldn't care enough to stop you because they care little about politics. Thus, you would only need a certain amount of members to potentially cause a revolution.

user Mora has written
I hope that there will never be thread about my death

Don't actually form an an anti-government league if it risks any harm to you or friends and family. That would be dangerous and irresponsible. You could still form a group of people for personal and economical advantages though, that doesn't interfere with government stuff.

Or if you're talking about government knowing what you post online, I would not be very concerned. The government cannot detain the millions of people in Russia talking shit about them online.

user Mora has written
I've expected some bullshit between normal speech, but I'm aware of chaos. I'm out of that already.

I don't exactly understand what you mean there. Maybe you could clarify.

user Mora has written
One more thing is that Putin' now checking and testing nuclear weapon on the black sea shore

Don't worry. That's just rumors by the Kremlin. There is no evidence that they are actually doing that, but instead they just trying to scare people. Nuclear weapon tests are very obvious and everyone would know by now if they were.

It's kind of ironic, because Putin started the war partially to get more people in Russian territory, but now people are leaving because of it.

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

User Playing CS2D

Is hard to make a group of people cuz many is scared and mobilization is happening, every day mens and womens may be called for mobilization and if they won't go it lead to bad consequences, better than death, but is around 20$ if You did not visit military enlistment office, and in case You hiding - around 7 years of jail.
You can walk on the street, go to Your job and police may grab You, move to the office, beat, bully until You say You 're go to the war, as happens in bigger cities, such as Moscow, Samara and others.

old Re: Russian Federation president marasmus

Super User Off Offline

This is far worse than I had thought. When times get hard, it is important to stay together, and to stay calm and collected with a view towards the future. I don't suggest starting an uprising, as enough is already in the works to overthrow Russia's leader. Just help those around you, keep in touch, and be close enough together that the government will have a harder time treating you unfairly without causing problems for themselves. The government will likely try to prevent large groups from forming within, but that is because it gives the large groups an advantage and increased protection and safety from the government, which the government will try to prevent, but if it is formed for reasons they deem unharmful (i.e. economic security or family safety) then they will probably not interfere as it would be politically detrimental to do so. Additionally, with a large group and pooled funds, you could bribe officials (as they are corrupt in Russia) to turn a blind eye to things or favor your group (or even allow you to cross the border, one by one). When a civilization becomes disorganized, one should start a civilization within to maintain order and stability through the chaos (and that would be appealing to many people undergoing economic hardship and would probably drive growth of both the size of the group, and the collective wealth and bargaining power, as many want economic stability with the ongoing war)
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