CS2D General Does anyone know how to add custom music?Does anyone know how to add custom music?
5 replies 1
You'd have to either make players download for longer or listen to lower quality music.
Neither is fun, from experience.
Edit: does just adding it to the sfx folder then setting it to get played ingame by an audio cue work? as in if i host a server with it set up like that will it be able to download the audio to the clients?
Therefore there is no reason to split a 3min mp3 into smaller parts unless you want to reuse the smaller parts somewhere else.
Then you could create a script that loops through each sound creating one large sound.
I dont know what you mean with import sounds. Or what you mean by that:
i made sure that the only custom files for the server were the map and the music, i just need to know how to make custom folders with audio in the sound menu like what some servers do how they have small audio cues in the server that it adds to the sound list, idk how people add those tho
Now it would be best to convert it to ogg. type of file first because they dont take much space and quality is preserved then through cs2d map editor menu you add them ( env_sound ).