edited 4×, last 23.03.19 06:15:26 am
CS2D General Global savesGlobal saves
6 replies 1
When I had to do this I would probably use a third party application (or write one myself) which synchronizes data between the servers and which stores the data on local files.
All you would have to do in CS2D then is reading the data periodically. Like once every minute or something like that. And of course you would have to write new/changed data to files as well.
There are certainly applications already which can be used to send/synchronize files.
Also I didn't say that it freezes. I said it MIGHT lead to lags.
Maybe it only is a problem when you call it too often/frequently.
Clients use the same stuff for avatar download etc and that only caused lags for some people and for most it is okay when we don't run multiple parallel requests at the same time. Requesting a script / plain text is probably even less heavy and causes less lag.
Lately I used this to make live ranking for my super hero server.
edited 1×, last 24.03.19 10:11:12 am
The guy can not write a script to assign random 5 numbers to teams and you tell him to write a simple php script, store data on mysql and use httpdata