CS2D General Disable MiniMap Disable MiniMap
6 replies How do I disable the minimap so no one can see it ? I can only disable it in editor but only for editor not gameplay
Reason I don't want it
- It laggs loading big maps on start
- I don't need it for the zombie map If its for the in-game Radar, you'll have to write in console "mp_radar 0".
But about that minimap that shows when you join the server, idk about that one. To remove the radar when joining a server is "OPTIONS -> Game -> Radar -> None or Simple" @ TrialAndError: For everyone not just himself. Reading is key to success. Its ment for everyone because of 2 reasons I mentioned
Thanks @ Casper-: a command:
mp_rader 0
You can use lua to disable all people rader..