CS2D General Is there a way to change the server browserIs there a way to change the server browser
8 replies 1
options more menu_red, menu_green, menu_blue
@ Pehlivan: What exactly do you dislike about it? What would you like to be changed? What should it look like?
DC has written
Did you really think that I meant whether it is working or not? Lol.Which kind of improvements? It works perfectly fine for me. If you're talking about visuals:...
Anyways, I'd prefer old Steam UI(greenish one, maybe you remember) instead of the current CS2D UI. I always loved that theme.
BcY has written
Not really. Not everything is great when it is completely the same. Especially when you are about to put it on platforms like Steam....would be great if it was also in CS2D.
I'd like to see any other UI designs at CS2D. But please, not this one