CS2D General can animated gif work on cs2dcan animated gif work on cs2d
4 replies 1
there is examples given
also you will need timer to change frames smoothly
/btw you can use mine blacksmith and edit it if you want.
maps,it is the most easiest way but inefficient way to create npcs but if you want to go for good and efficient one then go for lua.Btw,if you want know more about this "trick" just check crazy junkman Wolfgang or other coop maps.
sonkii has written
Easiest way? No. It's actually the most challenging way and being used by people who cannot code. But once they learn how to code then everything would be easier and less challenging.Alternatively, you could use some map editor (trick) like crazy junkman Wolfgang
maps,it is the most easiest way
maps,it is the most easiest way
An actual GIF will not work but when you separate its images, it'd work. As an example:
Even though, it is not recommended that much since CS2D could cause lag when creating an image whose size is big.