Mostly 5v5, in certain competitive maps, such as de_cbble, icc_nuke, icc_dust2, sf_aztec/icc_aztec, icc_inferno, sf_train
etc. In general, 2 captains choose the players after a knife battle.
(You will see the sv parameters at the bottom of the topic). It's like a clanwar but of mixed players, it's our most fun thing if there are no clans to fight in a clanwar.
There are not many mixes today. But players seek for them in the serverlist( the problem is, one by one we check 2 min and then leave 2d)
Just like the (q) quick play thing there should be something like that for MIXES ( kinda works like town of Salem, league of Legends) the method we have now is quite comparable to custom games In league of legends which is kinda messy to check the serverlist etc.
So the Sv can have a (M) which needs some special parameters to be enabled
Parameters(at the moment)
mp_buytime 0.25
mp_freezetime 7
mp_grenaderebuy 0
mp_infammo 0
mp_roundtime 2
mp_shotweakening 30
mp_smokeblock 1
mp_startmoney 800
sv_fow (1,2 or 3)
sv_specmode 2
sv_usgnonly 1
. Now problems: "unexperienced players" messing with it( I mean they would count the same even if they have no idea about fow or eco gameplay) so i dont know maybe you can rely that they won't Mess with it or they will be minority or there can be a stats system(so by preference, of ended mixes etc it would bring priority to some). I'm just thinking so share your thoughts.
The mix can be 2v2, 3v3,4v4,5v5
edited 1×, last 05.04.17 07:51:32 pm