CS2D General do people still play this game?do people still play this game?
10 replies 1
Yeah...sadly mostly on rp servers
If you login after school you might have a few hourse to play pub with euros, and in the middle of the night when the amarican scene players play for 1-3 hours maybe if your lucky. Othiswise it's pretty dead. But if you enjoy town or doghouse i guess you could play whenever usualy some people playing it.
--- Edit ---
I'd say this is pretty much the only moderately active Construction server. Tastes vary but it's my favourite game mode in CS2D and what sets it apart from most other top-down shooters and even the original CS series itself.
It always has 6 bots on it and during various times of the day a few players pop up on it. I miss the good ol' nearly full servers of people building and shooting back and forth, but hey, you gotta live with what you have now I guess.
edited 2×, last 19.02.17 02:52:03 pm
edited 3×, last 04.04.17 05:21:05 pm