Just few month ago,i joined a server.My ping has around 150-240.Few seconds,i saw an enemy died killed by player without saw him even he join as ct or t,i just press tab key and notice that player can kill while spectating?thats bug?
Btw,in cs1.6 even my ping like that,never find such a net problems
Edit:After reading the logs,he didnt use the customkill command to fake it,the player died with (not with kill) weapon,On the other hand,the killer is invisible and killer is at spectators.
Edit4x:That server only using UTSFX script,an admin script and i forgot the name of server because it was "few month ago".
Also,that problem comes on any server that high usage of npcs,and too many players also script with always or even ms100.
The problem was solved.It was the killer's client cannot go through.
Close this thread.
edited 6×, last 17.08.16 03:27:18 pm