I couldn't get more lists from others servers because I simply didn't find any operator online and I was too lazy to register to their forums.
So I'm going to offer to certain people the chance to get this Lua script for your server. I can't give it to everyone because they will simply know the IP where this list is hosted and when they start (D)DoS attacks on it this project will be over. I'll upload this script to the file archive whenever someone else with more knowledge about Linux servers decides to keep hosting this black list himself, the server it is currently running is too weak.
What does the script provide?

What's the consequence with using this script?
It uses LuaSocket, and you probably wouldn't like to install that on your server. However, I can give you all the resources to get this running into this server. (With all the resources I'm talking about the LuaSocket shared object and the Lua script)
Who's going to take care of this black list?
I'm in need of moderators for this network, so I will choose them carefully since every ban created on this network will be applied to all servers running it. I will keep up a list of the people who is moderating the black list. If you want to become a moderator, say it.
How can I make sure that you just banned hackers?
When I received the bans lists from the previous servers, I made sure to only add bans marked with "hack" or "speedhack" on the reason parameter. I did not add rage-bans created by the server(s) operators.
How can I get this script?
Just send me a PM with the IP address of your server, I'll check it and decide wether it is approved to run this script. I repeat: I'm not intending to have everyone using it because anyone with bad intentions would (D)DoS attack the black list server.
Note: This won't completely stop all the hackers that exist in CS2D, but it will at least reduce the amount of hacker activity on your servers. If there isn't any server owner interested on this, I'll probably have to close/leave/forget this project.





If you have more questions please ask.
edited 8×, last 27.07.16 12:15:35 am