So I'm in the process of making a Battlefield 2D mod. I know there's plenty of these on the forum already, but I want to give it a shot, so please bear with me.
Avg Overall Multiplayer: 38%
function bf_rankupdate(id,gain) 	Player[id].exp = Player[id].exp + gain 	if Player[id].exp >= rankexp[Player[id].rank+1] then 		msg2(id,"©000255000You have been promoted!@C") 		Player[id].rank = Player[id].rank + 1 		freeimage(Player[id].ranki1) 		Player[id].ranki1 = image("gfx/yates/lua/ranks/"..rankloc[Player[id].rank]..".png",0,-1,200+id) 	end end