I want to create map, in which are have zombies 255 HP.
Thanks for advice.
value = player(1,"health")
parse("setmaxhealth 1 255")
addhook("usebutton","This_happens_if_a_button_is_pressed") function This_happens_if_a_button_is_pressed(id,x,y) 	local your button x position= --Put it here! 	local your button y position= --Put it here! 	if button("x")=="your button x position" and button("y")=="your button y position" 		if team(id,"team")==1 then -- The player's team will be defined. If it's the terrorist (zombie) team, then... 			setmaxhealth(id,250) -- The player's health will be set to 250. It is NOT possible to go over the limit of 250 max health. 		end 	end end
local your button x position= --Put it here! local your button y position= --Put it here!
if button("x")=="your button x position" and button("y")=="your button y position"