CS2D General Can't playCan't play
16 replies 1
_Ryuuka has written
try turn'off your firewall, that will get ride of your problem
But I hadn't turned it on.
save72 has written
Today went to the cs of 2D, and was not able to enter under usgn. + Cannot find server. Reinstalled cs - and the same problem. But I can play on the servers that I have in my favorites.
DC will have to fix this issue... Log-in doesn't work, neither does the server list.
We'll have to wait til he sorts this out.
_Ryuuka has written
well that's strange, oh i remember a thing, if u use wifi connection(like me) i'ts petty normal that problem, you can try disconnect and re-connect the wifi...
I have portWAN, and have cable connection.
"try turn'off your firewall, that will get ride of your problem"
Did not help
"The Windows firewall is on by default."
Yes, but I turned it off after installation of Windows.
my too i have it.
about join server you can but you need wait same time
and usgn all have this probleme.
i can only log through favourites without usgn ...
edited 1×, last 28.04.13 07:31:59 pm
but i think DC is putting Stranded III online right now
look that =>
@ CaneCorso:
Well , you should wait. I had this problem before , waiting is the solution no one will help you.