hi people of unrealsoftware .
im here because i need know one thing : Where has cs2d 24/7 server for free ?
If anyone know send a pm to me or write here on comment.
@ J_Lucas:
Let me explain,
He want host only 3servers on his VPS to help clan that havn't a server ( Also, The server must be aiming( .. ) and you must use their lua )
Too many people are adding me on Xfire now and just wasting their time. There are requirements with me. I do not host free servers for CityLife or Fun Luas. It is only for Clans. Please do not add me for that reason. I'd suggest you look for another free host which basically doesn't exist.
Oxy2D.com offers good prices. If you still can't afford it, then host on your computer, and if that's too slow then sorry just play on another servers. Options are pretty limited here. It's what Shawni was explaining. Thank you.
Note: You can still add me on Xfire for other help reasons such as setting up your server. I will be more than glad to help you with that.