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Many camera scrolling related issues
Ovals with 0 width/height in shape maps made the game crash
Raft did not activate itself when it should
Replays recorded as client now contain proper weapon amounts
Game didn't always display the inventory of the currently active team while watching replays
Horizontal fall damage always ended the turn, even if fall damage was set not to end the turn
Some typos/mistakes in hints
Lua drawhud images were covered by the water and particles etc.
Player kicks/leaves have not been recorded properly in replays
"Kill team"-function of server has not been recorderd properly in replays
Info about collected supply crate items was not always displayed in replays
You can now use numbers in all names
Some menu graphics have been changed
Improved cloud graphics and parallax cloud scrolling
Improved explosions with more details
Improved blood effects
Improved particle effects when destroying foliage and grass
Improved water impact effects
The mouse pointer is now a hand (with blood particles in menu)
HUD ammo bar now looks better and has a background percentage bar (like charge bar)
Instantly start first map of a mission if there is only one instead of showing map selection
Game now uses DirectX by default on Windows systems
You can now see the inventory of allied players/teams
Positions close to enemies are not blocked anymore for certain buildings (Cage, The Stake, Explosives, Sentry, Shield Generator)
Temporarily downloaded files are kept in memory until you close the game
"Basic Training" missions slightly improved
Warning about running the game in program files folder is now only displayed on Win Vista/7/8
More convenient scrollbar dragging with mouse (dragging doesn't stop anymore when pointer leaves scrollbar)
All weapons now have a short info text which is displayed when the mouse hovers over them in the weapon selection menu
Gravity setting
H key to hide/show HUD (useful for screenshots or videos)
High score mode for missions (mode=score in info.txt)
Lua pos_drop mode for command hudpositioning
Lua alternative border mode and offset for hudmapborder
Lua setscore command (set high score of a mission)
Lua getscore command (get high score of a mission)
Lua playerweaponswitch command (disable weapon switching)
Lua getplayerweaponswitch command (check if weapon switching is possible)
Lua getplayerweapon command (get table of current weapon of current player)
Lua drawrect command (draw a rectangle)
Lua getprojectileinfo (get info about a projectile)
Lua command hudpositioning has a new mode: pos_build_noblock
Lua command drawhud now has a mode parameter for different rendering modes
Lua command addweaponinfo (add info text to weapon)
Lua 'id' parameter for getweaponinfo
Projectiles can have flags too (new optional addprojectile parameter, they also inherit flags from weapons)
$MISSION variable for paths in cfg-files/loadgfx/loadsfx (contains mission folder path)
You now see a yellow border as dropping help for airborne weapons
Server weaponset is saved as "CC Download" when "Save downloaded Files" checkbox is checked in lobby
Option for random blood color (all blood particles will have totally random colors with this)
When using images for maps, game tries to automatically load a background image file with the name "<IMAGE>_bg" or "<IMAGE> bg" or "<IMAGE> background"
Game mode: Fortress
Particles with feather animation (p_feather)
Blood drop particles (p_blooddrop)
Meat chunk particles (p_meat)
Splatter beam particles (p_splatterbeam)
New built-in object type: Item (behaves like a supply crate but with visible content)