Scripts How add gas mask and skin for zm How add gas mask and skin for zm
5 replies How to add a gas mask in the shop people to Zombie Plague (v1.15), because when I add and wants to buy the console shows up this error:
I still wanted to make a new zombie look on the server but do not know how. So I want you to help me do it You need to spawn the item at player x y then setpos the player -32 pixels (x or y, doesn't matter) then +32 so the player teleports on the same spot and therefore picks up the mask. you do it? to make because I do not know scripting I call doing this with Equip nightvision
Basically you spawn the weapon under the person, then you teleport the player to another tile, then instantly back onto the original position. Gas mask id is 60
I have something like
function equip(id,item)
parse("spawnitem "..item.." "..player(id,"tilex").." "..player(id,"tiley"))
local tmp={player(id,"x"),player(id,"y")}
parse("setpos "..id.." " 1 1")
parse("setpos "..id.." "..tmp[1].." "..tmp[2])
this just do not know how to do it to a gas mask was in the shop people