Let's say if enemies run into the "front"(red area) of the player, then they will get killed. Otherwise nothing happens.
function findPlyAngle(ply1,ply2) 	local x1,y1=player(ply1,"x"),player(ply1,"y") 	local x2,y2=player(ply2,"x"),player(ply2,"y") 	local ang=-math.deg(math.atan2(x1-x2,y1-y2)) 	return ang end function isInFront(ply1,ply2,f) --ply1 is the player in front of ply2 	local ang=findPlyAngle(ply1,ply2) 	local rot2=player(ply2,"rot") 	if rot2>180 then 		rot2=player(ply2,"rot")-180 	end 	if ang>=rot2-f and ang<=rot2+f then 		return true 	end 	return false end addhook("ms100","checkforinfront") function checkforinfront() 	for _,id in pairs(player(0,"table")) do 		for _,iid in pairs(player(0,"table")) do 			if id~=iid then 				if isInFront(iid,id,45) then 					parse("customkill "..id.." Magic "..iid) 				end 			end 		end 	end end
function normalizerad(r) 	if r>math.pi then 		r = -math.pi+r%math.pi 	elseif r<-math.pi then 		r = math.pi-(math.pi-r%math.pi) 	end 	return r end function torad(degrees) 	return normalizerad(math.rad(degrees+90)) end local fovw = 120 local fovd = 60 fovconst = math.atan2(fovw/2,fovd) --fovconst is pi/2 (or 90 degrees) function isinplayerfov(id,x,y) 	local a = math.atan2(player(id,"y")-y,player(id,"x")-x) 	local rot = torad(player(id,"rot")) 	return (a>(rot-fovconst) and a<(rot+fovconst)) end
function normalizerad(r) 	if r>math.pi then 		r = -math.pi+r%math.pi 	elseif r<-math.pi then 		r = math.pi-(math.pi-r%math.pi) 	end 	return r end function torad(degrees) 	return normalizerad(math.rad(degrees+90)) end local fovw = 120 local fovd = 60 fovconst = math.atan2(fovw/2,fovd) function isinplayerfov(id,x,y) 	local a = math.atan2(player(id,"y")-y,player(id,"x")-x) 	local rot = torad(player(id,"rot")) 	local dif = normalizerad(rot-a) 	return math.abs(dif)<fovconst end
fovconst = math.atan2(fovw/2,fovd)
local a = math.atan2(player(id,"y")-y,player(id,"x")-x)
local rot = torad(player(id,"rot"))
local dif = normalizerad(rot-a) return math.abs(dif)<fovconst