Hi Unreal Software.
I often See people in cs2d spinning around when hiding throwing grenades and other stuff.
I wanna know why they are doing that.
It looks really cool. I want to learn that. Easy.. you just make circles with your mouse and move around. But don't do it if you're trying to hide lol. When I play I constantly spin around because it keeps the muscles in my hands working, so that if I see an enemy I have the maximum chance of getting the pointer on his head, scoping and shooting. Agreed with Danny, but sometimes I spin for fun. And you don't need to learn it, just spin and done! i always spin around because i want to be cool u should do that by urself train all the time niconicodouga has written
Hi Unreal Software.
I often See people in cs2d spinning around when hiding throwing grenades and other stuff.
I wanna know why they are doing that.
It looks really cool. I want to learn that.
It's stupid, and COMPLETELY USELESS if Fog of War is disabled.
Just make that to remove the tension of your hands. Or with Fog of War enabled, to see all directions constantly. the easier way to do this is play fullscreen your professional cs2d player if you do the right spin.
in my clan we train spinning all the time. on everymap on everymode with everygun. noone spins better
btw we also started a spinning tournament, the first who pukes lost DpC User Offline
I spin because its cool and if you lose you lose with style Z- User Offline
Why are people think people are pro for stupid shit... like spinnig and knowing how to tile blend... if you're spinning it only makes you like a noob and an idiot.
I'm not spinning, and I still get like 10 KPD scores. yes but we dont count construction or zombie servers I only speed so my mouse stays on the table lol PeterToman has written
if you're spinning it only makes you like a noob and an idiot.
I'm not spinning, and I still get like 10 KPD scores.
Not on Click21 servers... Because everyone love's the song
*You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round round round round* Ray User Offline
Spinning only looks cool if u have a good movement. 3RROR has written
Because everyone love's the song
*You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round round round round*
That sucks, try THIS one. It's muuuuuch better.
Oh, and if you don't know why you're spinning, just don't spin. ;'3 edited 1×, last 10.09.11 10:35:49 pm
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please don't post pointless stuff which is not related with the actual topic. it's forbidden. read the rules.