-Best BASIC compilers?-
I am sure BlitzBASIC is nice, but which their tool would you recommend the most?
What about DarkBASIC Professional? Is it way worse than Blitz? I've been using it for few years and it is quite good, but i didn't use Blitz at all, maybe because it is commercial.
-Isn't C/C++ better?-
It is probably better, but not for small projects. So what i think is, that when you are a lone developer, why not to use BASIC languages? It will save your development time, because big studios are using C++, which is a bit time consuming, but they have lots of programmers and Indies doesn't.
-What about other BASIC languages?-
Do you know any other, probably better BASIC compilers, or are DBPro and Blitz the leaders?
-Other languages-
I saw LUA is quite great, but with LOVE engine.
Any other opportunities?