9 replies Im making a mod of this snes game , i have a tile no complete srsly... what the fu?
what snes game? tiles? i think this thread will be closed..
stupid threadname, the post doesnt make any sense.. Fail? I believe he want to make a tileset for cs2d, he think its a snes game. Or something like that, I still didnt get the point of this thread, nobody cares about that. I think he want a tileset, about a game from "Snes".
But until we dont know what game we cant help
"Im making a mod of this snes game"
he is just making a mod for a snes (super nintendo entertainment system) game.
" i have a tile no complete"
he is working now on a tileset.
but i dont get it, a mod for a snes game? tileset?!
maybe he means hacks or something, like in super mario world, but why did he post it in the cs2d-mods-tile-forum?! Z- User
mayb hes making a cs2d snes game mod and he has no tiles and he making this thread for tile help.. but we dont know which game.. epic fail.
I making a mod of this , if you want to see the project download my map , i have the grass tiles A mod is not just a map with a costum-tileset you know. It contans new sprites, new weapon-skins, new player-skins, new maps and tilesets, new sounds, and more stuff like that.
and what map? you uploaded more than 1 map.
just learn english, we cant help you if you dont give usefull information, "I making a mod of this, if you want to see the project download my map, i have the grass tiles"
what map? nobody CARES about this mod, if you just make advertisement for it. its not professional, and that makes the mod uninteresting The one is ZAMN (Zombie Ate My Neighbors) Just see his title on his second comment. Duuuh.