
What is the best OS?
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Windows | 65.85% (54) | |
Mac | 4.88% (4) | |
Linux | 29.27% (24) |
82 votes cast

Ah I don't get why anyone would use those Linux and Apple computers. I think the interfaces are totally unlogical.
If you want another page to open at a Linux computer you have to move your mouse to the top of the screen. I just don't get it, maybe I'm not modern enough, but I love the way Windows XP works. It's easy and you can at least customize pretty much everything.
Newer Windows versions (Windows 7) are almost uncustomizable, cause you can only change LITTLE things like resolution about the interface, while Windows XP has an option to use a custom interface etc.
Hail Windows XP
If you want another page to open at a Linux computer you have to move your mouse to the top of the screen. I just don't get it, maybe I'm not modern enough, but I love the way Windows XP works. It's easy and you can at least customize pretty much everything.
Newer Windows versions (Windows 7) are almost uncustomizable, cause you can only change LITTLE things like resolution about the interface, while Windows XP has an option to use a custom interface etc.
Hail Windows XP
You don't know ANYTHING about windows nor other operating systems if you say that.
Windows is perfectly customizable. Just that you're too lazy to actually search how. Reall easy. I'll even show you how. First place to go would de deviant art. Here's an example which you can get to easily (found this in a rush, so know that this one is a bit ugly ;P you can make a lot better):
( There's something unusually wrong with the img thing, i put the tags but they disappear after I put 'preview'... Or it's just the format?)
Then for other types of customization, there's a website called which has a BUNCH of things to make your windows installation fully yours.
Just to tell you, you can customize windows 7 way more than XP specially because there's aero in windows 7 -- Aero is not only the transparent stuff, it's like a whole engine. You just need to look for it mate ;P You'll find how to customize every single thing in your windows system. Just like in Linux. You can actually customize linux much more than windows depending on your distro distribution ), Arch would be the one you want for customization.
Trust me bro, what you wanna do is get yourself Windows 7 (Ultimate if possible) Install it, then customize it (I'll even help you if you want!). And install Ubuntu or some other distro along side to test and to customize. At first, customizing Linux is horrible, real hard, till yo get a hang of it ( Windows XP customization is real easy for you cuz you have experience with it, you don't have experience with 7 or linux so you think they're bad ;P.)
Furthermore there is no logical way to use or a logical interface. It's just taste. You can customize everything to your needs. In this case you just grew up with windows and only like windows. You don't know how to use Linux so it's unlogical, it feels weird doesn't it?

Lol, Windows XP is shit at customizing compared to the Linux KDE desktop.
And again: +1. I always agree with your posts! We have something in common

The thing in that KDE and Gnome make the customization much simpler, it's basically open. Unlike windows And maybe mac not sure about that) which just locks up everything and wants you to only use what they gave you...

Linux can look like Windows XP. You cant say "the linux interface is shit". There is no uniform y linux interface. Each distribution looks different.
Exactly. And more precisely, there are two big 'Engines' ( Well, i don't know what they really call them) called KDE and Gnome. Each one has it's own community which make beautiful themes and beautiful icons etc...( Distributions basically make their own themes for KDE Gnome or others) So in most distributions, you can choose before installing, which 'engine' ( or whatever it's called) you want to use. Another thing is that, the XP interface is shit. And I know you all agree with that.
Just to tell you guys, when you talk mac, the mac operating system is optimized for mac computers. So that means it (unlike windows) will be much faster ( Well in most scenarios lol). Like last day I tried mac on a mac, Itunes open instantly, yes instantly. Something we'll never dream of in windows ( unless you have a 6 core i7 processor over-clocked to 8Ghz...)
Windows and Linux
Windows ---> Gaming, really nothing else, really nothing else.
Linux ---> Servers, web, office, etc, everything else.
Mac ---> Nothing, other operating systems can run all the applications it can run at a faster speed and more efficiently.
I really prefer windows...not for gaming but application designing on windows. Like if I wanted to design something via html I could easily run a html designer (.exe) without running into the problem of incompatibility.

Windows ---> Gaming, really nothing else, really nothing else.

Windows does have compatibility but if you have all the programs you need and it can run on Linux there is no need of windows.