edited 3×, last 11.07.11 08:15:08 pm

What is the best OS?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Windows | 65.85% (54) | |
Mac | 4.88% (4) | |
Linux | 29.27% (24) |
82 votes cast
Take that, you horribly over-priced corporations.
I think there are already threads like this.
--- Edit ---
Here's one

And as

edited 1×, last 06.07.11 11:50:25 am

edited 1×, last 06.07.11 11:51:31 am

Ubuntu and Fedora.
Fedora? That reminds me of the Portuguese word fedor which means that something stinks.
Ubuntu? Better not say it.
I like Ubuntu and Arch Linux, but the best operating system i know is OS/2 1.3 ... but its very old.

Ubuntu and Fedora.
Fedora? That reminds me of the Portuguese word fedor which means that something stinks.
Ubuntu? Better not say it.
Fedora is developed by RedHat as a free version of their RedHat Linux. The red hat logo has a man wearing a red fedora cap, hence Fedora's name.
And I don't like Ubuntu either.

Thats silly, thumbs up for MS-DOS 6.22

@DannyDeth Thats true but i still like Linux because its open source , doesn't have viruses and stuff :D.
Winux Virus

I like Windows best, because the most games only work on Windows.^^
But Linux is still better then Mac..
edited 1×, last 06.07.11 01:14:58 pm
I don't think you used MSDOS.
My first OS was Windows 2000.
MS-DOS was used a lot, actually, I remember using it to play Doom back in 1998 when I was only 10 years old.

I don't think you used MSDOS.
Not in 90's, my first OS was Linux, some IT guy deleted it and installed Windows XP, that was like 4-6 years ago, and i still use this CD with WinXP.
But MS-DOS...I had it in Virtual Box, in college we had some practice in MS-DOS, and i with my friend gathered SAM & SYSTEM file from college pc (those PC using WinXP) using MS-DOS diskette. That was a target of lesson, hack Admin pass, rly, lol. Teacher brought old useless PC to do that.
Problems, 0A ?

Windows sucks. I know my OS's, you've probably never tried Linux/BSD anyway.