
What is the best OS?
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Windows | 65.85% (54) | |
Mac | 4.88% (4) | |
Linux | 29.27% (24) |
82 votes cast

Same price bullox , I never pay'd for my windows.
*Cough* you mean it came with your computer or you got it illegally? Because you pay for it when you buy a computer it's a part of the price.

there is no "best". it really depends on what you want to do because each OS has pros and cons.
games: Windows (many games use DirectX which is for Windows only. Can be emulated on other OS but with bugs/lower performance in most cases. There are less games for Mac and even less for Linux [talking about big commercial games and not little freeware titles])
work (office etc.): All (most tools are available for Win and Mac. Linux mainly has free open source tools so you will probably find more professional tools for Win/Mac. So Win/Mac are probably a bit better in some cases here)
server: Linux (easy management and setup with the package system, more secure and stable than Win [I don't know if MacOS is used for servers - I don't think so])
art stuff: Mac is probably best here. They use pretty good displays etc. many designers use it. Don't really know the details here.

And that's the bottom line, 'cause

Ye , dop3 , never bought one , only illegal.

That doesn't make windows free you know... ( Even thought 40% windows users got it illegally...)
@DC : Totally agree, depends on what you wanna do. They all have cons and pros.

BSD and Linux. Windows get's pwnd by Linux and Mac OS is based on FreeBSD.
Take that, you horribly over-priced corporations.
Take that, you horribly over-priced corporations.
I agree, but for the moment Windows has 90% if not 99% of stocks, it's no doubt that most applications will made for the Windows operating system--since more people are using it...making Windows better because of useability.

They do. Apple even manufactured/res Xserve. It's a server-like computer.

But... Not sure about it, is it possible to make your own applications and programs ? Like develop them... ? Been hearing it's not possible cuz of the App store and stuff... Well if you can't that sucks too 

Yeah, you can. Apple has it's own Applescript, but you can write in C aswell afaik.

Well, your mother is a filthy hoar. Lol. 
Windows sucks. I know my OS's, you've probably never tried Linux/BSD anyway.

Windows sucks. I know my OS's, you've probably never tried Linux/BSD anyway.
I use Windows 7. I know that Linux is much better, I just don't really understand how to use it. Plus I'm gamer, and I need Windows for games (reminds me of Games for Windows

About Windows,I hate windows. I think windows developers are creasy. All version of Windows need in 2-4 times more RAM then older:
windows 98-128mb
But where you will find 2gb Ram:All notebooks that price is 400$(for russia) have only 2gb-that's need only for OS!And for programs,games-nill.And are a lot of lags.
W7 is not popular for Russia,all are using windowsxp with face of w7 or without it.Windows also make lags and,sometimes says that your copy is ellegal,but you have bought it!.-You nead reinstall.Plus You can update-check serial number with W7 only 5times. More-buy new.Windows XP have infinitive check-serials.
And why are 2gb-for nothing.
Windows has compatible for all pc games.
DreamCatcher is right.

But where you will find 2gb Ram:All notebooks that price is 400$(for russia) have only 2gb-that's need only for OS!And for programs,games-nill.
My 8 year old computer supports 2gb of RAM, and I'm building one for only ~ $200 with 4gb of RAM.

Lol, some guys thinkin "Linux is pro so im gonna use it and Windows for childs"
Windows has compatible for all pc games.
DreamCatcher is right.
Windows has compatible for all pc games.
DreamCatcher is right.
Lol, some guys thinkin "Games is pro so im gonna use it and Linux for childs"
Linux has compatible for all progmas for it.
TheKilledDeath is right.

I'm building one for only ~ $200 with 4gb of RAM.
If you are paying 200$ for a ram then WTF!
I ordered mine for 53.35 ext.vac and 17$ for the shipping.

art stuff: Mac is probably best here. They use pretty good displays etc. many designers use it. Don't really know the details here.
I think it has something to do with graphic performance. Along those lines anyway.
I think they're just generally targeted at artists and graphic designers because of how simple and good they look.

I'm building one for only ~ $200 with 4gb of RAM.
If you are paying 200$ for a ram then WTF!
I ordered mine for 53.35 ext.vac and 17$ for the shipping.
I'm paying ~$200 to build the entire computer, which has 4gb of RAM.
If you want another page to open at a Linux computer you have to move your mouse to the top of the screen. I just don't get it, maybe I'm not modern enough, but I love the way Windows XP works. It's easy and you can at least customize pretty much everything.
Newer Windows versions (Windows 7) are almost uncustomizable, cause you can only change LITTLE things like resolution about the interface, while Windows XP has an option to use a custom interface etc.
Hail Windows XP