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You have had many mistakes in the past as an forumer. What would like to say to the people as an apology?
I am so sorry, the things I said about the dawn of unity wave I thought It'll happen but not.
CS2D 1.1.9 was released. What do you like about it?
I still haven't played the CS2D new released because I'm so busy making videos for my friend Normandy/Peter Macik. Here is my new intro for my next video My first intro
On another question, what do you hate about the new CS2D?
The bugs, if you joined a server and type at the console "reconnect" it'll go back to the main menu[/b]. Refers to this video Reconnect bug
Let's head to real life affairs shall we? There was an earthquake in Japan. What do you think about that?
It's very awful for the people in Japan because some of my cousin's cousin died out there in vain. I wish you the best
Do you believe in the rumored 2012?
Most likely yes, but not anymore. I knew God wouldn't let us die in a single disaster in the whole world, and if the 2012 does happen the governments or scientist would already report to evacuate your things. If the 2012 didn't happen I feel trolling the forum maker of 2012
Did you enjoy DC's April Fool's joke?
No, because when users suggested that the old one is better DC had an idea and made it an April Fools joke. Well I agreed to Zantos, DC is very clever.
What would you like to do in the future as a skinner?
In the future I think I'm gonna had a negative thinking about this, I think I'll release the mod but not finished. I also think that Doctor Freeman the future skinner will be gone. Because this man's eyes is very very tired. I'm gonna give 0-L-A-F these skins and he'll send it here in and his main friend will be gone resting in peace, what I ment rest in peace not gonna die just lay down the bed and sleep.
Peace, Wish you the best guys.
Well thanks for the interview Gordon, hope you guys enjoyed ;)-AnonySh0t