Hi, everyone. The thing i wanted to ask is, how can i change my gui trought lua files ( mods ), an example one of the tf2d mod has got everything custom, gui, players. I want it to make so others see, also some rp mods are using custom guis too, should i look an example from them, how can i add custom gui, please answer... Thanks.
edited 1×, last 05.04.11 07:34:19 pm
Admin/mod comment
moved to scripts cause that's what you are talking about You can't change the gui by using Lua (only the server can). The GUI itself can only be changed by changing the source code, which is only possible with very old versions of cs2d J4x User
But u can make your own menu with lua.
PS: since when u r not admin TKD? edited 1×, last 14.03.11 09:13:32 pm
Above post is true.
I've seen it possible in a Tibia-like server. TheKilledDeath has written
You can't change the gui by using Lua (only the server can). The GUI itself can only be changed by changing the source code, which is only possible with very old versions of cs2d
Yeah but i'm talking about if I CREATE a server, with a lua, that shows your xp, money and hp with a custom skin, like in mod called RP. But i don't have it so i don't know :(, oh yeah, like on guy said - "Above post is true.
I've seen it possible in a Tibia-like server." - there was a reskin for the radar that everyone could see ( serverside skin ), so don't tell me that it's imposible, i'm not blind, or retard :(, i JUST WANT to know how to add custom serverside skins and it is posible That isn't a GUI, lol. It's called a HUD ( heads up display ).
You can do this with Lua, see info.txt in sys/lua and scroll to the bottom, there is something down there to display images and text on your hud.
EDIT: Uuh, TKD, I thought u were a mod... @Havk995: The custom radar graphic image would get in the way of the actual radar though. If DC could create a option to disable the default radar graphic perhaps this would work better. Of course it'd be DC's choice to decide whether or not this will be featured or not. But it would be a useful idea to disable elements on clients through lua (perhaps only temporary change). Just a thought.
Perhaps a lua/server command like this.
1 = on, 0 = off. You know the drill.
That would be how to disable that element on the HUD for all players in order to use a lua radar graphic image, sort of.