How do you make something follow a path?
How do you make something follow a path?
7 replies Hey, how do you make something follow a path? What kind of path? Do you mean like follow and angle between to vectors or do you mean that you want a path-finding algorithm?
If you want a path finding algorithm then you might wanna do some research into A* ( pronounced A-Star ), a very easy and effective path-finding algorithm. That was one of the things wich i tried to make for cs2d.
Many tries and many fails. I'd love the "old school"(if I'm allowed to say that, lol) programmed waypoint paths. Because then you can decide where bots can go, is this still compatible in todays CS2D?
A* path finding algorithm is the best in this case, I assume... I want it so its going around a track
Eg. A car going around a race track
And what's this algorithm thing? That's sort of like a waypoint, what I'm talking about.
I think it can be done with ai_move or howisitcalledidontremember. Thanks KimKat7 and Danikah, i worked it out