soo i clicked sys then i saw this lua maptypes.lst server transfer.lst were do i put those in next i clicked lua and saw these files zombieplague and server.lua what should i do with server.lua? then i clicked zombieplague and saw these zp_buildings zp_data zp_advertise zp_class.cfg zp_config.cfg
zp_console.lua zp_filter.lua zp_func.lua zp_func_m.lua zp_func_up.lua zp_items.cfg zp_settings.cfg zp_values.lua zp_weapons.cfg and idk were the hell to put those in god im the most confused person in the world right now . . . then i clicked zp_data and saw this 15811 44185 it was in the data's file so yeah i dont know what does do and i clicked zp_building and saw baracks and ZP building info i dont know what that is well the bottom line is im confused as hell and i need major help i know it sounds like a noobie request but im not a computer wiz/nerd
will someone answer my question im desperate

edited 1×, last 14.02.11 12:58:04 am