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English Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

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6.71% (6)
Good idea, but not perfect
12.80% (11)
Too laggy!
2.44% (2)
Most crappiest I have seen.
3.05% (3)
82 votes cast

old Poll Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

User Off Offline

I made a "mod" to CS2D that allows it to run on a terminal server with VNC. This effectively prevents all cheats completely, since the only thing the client gets is a image stream. Theres nothing to cheat with.

The game client runs on a Kubuntu Maverick 10.10 machine with terminal services (Xvnc/XinetD/kdm sessions) set up. The script which generates a config file and autostart CS2D is a perl script made by me.

The locking and unlocking of keyboard/mouse input is done by a lua script on the cs2d server which executes a perl script with os.execute which sends UDP packets to the perl script on the client which runs $mw->grabGlobal and $mw->grabRelease.

This prevents playes from messing with the options during kill (spectate).

Also remapped ESC (code: 9) to "nothing", which prevents opening the menu ingame.

Degraded everything (tiles, players, graphics and such) in the game to a 16 color palette to enhance FPS and image compression.

This allows the CS2D to be run on any device, even on mobile phone. Just fire up ANY VNC-client and connect to "" port 5900, configure your keybindings and then press Launch.

Flashbang and nightvision is disabled on the server (unbuyable) because it changes the game image so heavly so the FPS drops to 1 under several seconds.

Here is a web client:

What do you think?
Any ideas of improving it?
is it "hackable"? (Eg, do you manage to access cs2d's menus, do you manage to crash cs2d so you can access the server desktop, or access things that should not be accessible?)

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

User Off Offline

You sir win the internets. Works perfectly on my iphone. I just dont know how to execute the set binds but im sure its the iphone programs fault. Other than that its awesome!

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

User Off Offline

Chetchen: Fixed that now by binding ESC to /bin/true which does nothing.

It turned out that xmodmap is pretty unreliable and wont remap the esc key for some connections which allowed a player to open the ingame menu.

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

Admin Off Offline

the idea is very good and really makes nearly all cheats/hacks impossible (only aimbots based on image scans might still have a chance to work) but the price for this is pretty high. it requires good servers (ideally with video cards) with huge bandwidth.

amazing that you got it to work but this is currently still too laggy to be a serious alternative. I think it would need at least about 25 fps to be "playable".

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

User Off Offline

Chet-Chen: How did you remap esc key back to esc?
What type of software are you using?

DC: I think its the VNC that are sending the picture inefficiently. The server are not using any video card, since the VNC server cant use the video card driver for some reason. (It must support pixel buffers and its a intel integrated card which does not support pBuffers)

The server instead uses a OpenGL software driver (libgl1-mesa-swx11 v7.7.1-4) to render the image.

Theres already commercial services out based on "streaming games over the net" like, and such.
So I think its doable.

Server specs:
2,6 ghz
2g ram
160g hdd
down: 24mbit/sec , up: 3 mbit/sec

But DC, if you manage to add support for 320x240, I think I can make the FPS pretty good. (4x higher)

BTW -- TRY now! I got 38 FPS now when changing to de_cs2d map.
edited 1×, last 15.11.10 11:45:15 am

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

Admin Off Offline

just tested it and saw you on the server. it's absolutely unplayable from here.
the FPS are higher now but the actual FPS that I receive on my side must be far lower because of the bandwidth bottleneck or maybe because the server is just too far away from my location (Germany).

moreover I simply didn't see you most of the time. maybe fog of war is enabled but not visible? I also didn't see the bomb directly. I received the "bomb has been planted" message but it took several seconds before the bomb appeared on the map.

(btw: the 320x240 thing won't happen I guess)

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

Admin Off Offline

oh okay yeah I didn't read that. sorry.
still not a good idea because it's quite confusing (due to the fact that you simply don't see that there is fog of war)

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

User Off Offline

Disabled the fow completely
It might be better like that. I tried with fowalpha=100 but it looked bad with fowdetail = 0, fowdetail = 1 looked better but killed the FPS to about 10.
edited 2×, last 15.11.10 12:40:09 pm

old Re: Made a super-anticheat mod to CS2D

User Off Offline

tiiger87: Sorry, misspelled a command in the xvncserver script so everything got black/white. Was experimenting with some settings to achieve better FPS.

Fixed now. Now you should see walls.
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