My - some low-aged bastards, what trying to looks like mafia. I`m hate them soooooo much!
Off Topic Your WORST enemy!My - some low-aged bastards, what trying to looks like mafia. I`m hate them soooooo much!
Maniac from K has written
Who is your WORST enemy? No matter, in games or in real life.
My - some low-aged bastards, what trying to looks like mafia. I`m hate them soooooo much!
My - some low-aged bastards, what trying to looks like mafia. I`m hate them soooooo much!
I don't have enemies.
And even if i have for a time , i don't "battle" them.
he think he's the best from cs2d ¬¬
gosh how i want to kick his ass off
Spyware & Gang
In RL:
There is this girl who keeps pestering me just because she love me. WTF?
edited 1×, last 11.09.10 03:13:49 pm
I also hate hackers and scammers, why can't they just get a freaking life!? Stop stealing from other people!
I also hate nazis and racists!
And I have to admit that I hate Bill Gates (lol), stop selling expensive microsoft crap!!!
Arne has written
And I have to admit that I hate Bill Gates (lol), stop selling expensive microsoft crap!!!
lol, like Apple or Sony is cheaper...
brainistik has written
well i got one. Right here, right on this site. His name is....... Crazyx.
REASON: He abuse everything i ever did on this world. I sometimes feel to give him an headshot with SHOTGUN.
But my really big enemy is World of warcraft fans...
ok i dont know i dont have got mutch enemyes. Or i dont remeber any of them...
Maniac from K has written
Also, I hate admin on some site. His name - OldBoy. This bitch is barfing on every newbie at the website, calls them "suckers of Big Dick Of Fluffy", sets a "minuses" in reputation of newbies. Avatar of this piece of shit - some Disney character fucks a toy horse. He`s a crazy fuckin nerd!
well i got one. Right here, right on this site. His name is....... Crazyx.
REASON: He abuse everything i ever did on this world. I sometimes feel to give him an headshot with SHOTGUN.
But my really big enemy is World of warcraft fans...
ok i dont know i dont have got mutch enemyes. Or i dont remeber any of them...
Hate me, love me. I don't care. Keep dreaming about headshots with shotguns, keep dreaming kid. It's healthy for your mind, trust me.
edited 9×, last 11.09.10 03:14:06 pm
And while your speaking about brains, I just giggled at the irony surrounding your nickname.
@P.S.: well, for your information and for your 'brother''s information too, this website is for people older than 13. So tell that to your mommy, so he will mess up with people with his own (tiny) size.
And those rule violations don't show any bad personlality or what idiotic crap you're talking about. I'm here for a long time, and have 1000+ posts, naturally I would add up violation marks. But hey, I'm still here. Most people who didn't evne reach 10 violation marks didn't got banned.
I didn't get banned because I didn't fatally broke the rules. Now you, brother of brainistik, or whatfuck I'm talking to, should understand that YOU, yes YOU, broke a fatal rule: you aren't +13. Now that is a good reason for ban.
@P.S. (2): I'm actually +13, so didn't broke any fatal rule.
Go away play with your dolls and leave older people alone.
And actually, your lil bro started all of this. He replied to the Unreal Software wishes thread with a good reply, but then ignorantly edited it and flamed me. Hilarious.
And again, do you actually know me to tell if I'm all the day long at the PC? Well, I'll make the lil baby happy and answer: no I don't. I spend some hours when my friends are busy. Actually today one of them, the one which I hang out the most, is at the b-day party of his sister, so I'm spending more time at the PC.
You never flamed me? Look at the Unreal Software Wishes. Ridiculous. I'm jsut calling what you really are: a kid. What do you me to call you instead? A teen? LoL.
So now, I spent a few minutes of my life, which I have one, discussing with a kid and his older bro. Now I'm gonna eat dinner, instead of insulting older people when they act at the first time friendly towards... Brb.
edited 4×, last 07.09.10 09:02:57 pm