I invite everyone on official PCS Projects web portal where you can find all necessary information about all PCS tournaments and news from european CS2D scene. Of course you can find much more interesting things like articles, download section or tips about the game ( everything will be updated soon ). We will try to show you most interesting matches from PCL and WCL which are our main tournaments. By the way i want to say something about what happened in PCS Project...
It will be great if we can have partnership whit official site of cs2d We must link cs2d.com or www.unrealsoftware.de ?? It's any problem for us And u can use ur files in mirrors We can update always then when u do this on cs2d.com
uhm yeah.
you should immediately edit this design the content area is maybe just has a width of 400 px.
also theres to much shit on the top. you need to scroll 1 mile till you get to the news.
and as far as is see the whole page is in english so no "german only" or "polish only" shit. one +
good luck