CS2D General I have a question ? about USGN I have a question ? about USGN
3 replies I have a question ?
why i say !vote
computer talk :Your USGN is too recent Access denied It might be that your USGN account is recently made or you joined the server too recent maybe for 10 - 20 secs? DC Admin Offline
1. please don't ask in the forum and send a pm at the same time. I hate it and it's pointless!
2. "!vote" is NOT part of CS2D (like every command starting with !). so this seems to be a custom Lua script.
3. you either don't have an USGN account / are not logged in or something else is wrong - in this case you have to find the author of the Lua script or someone who knows this script and how it works. That's [LaG] server lua system, you can't vote, because your usgn id is above 20,000's.