
Freeze game when i enter server
14 replies

I have no explanation for this problem atm.
i enter on cs2d and click find servers, it takes a while to load, and its very buggy, then when the servers appear, i click on a team, then its just keep loading, it doesnt let me play, and if i press esc and dont join any team, i start looking in the map, and no one is moving
its a bug or crash? because it happens in 50/50 of the servers i enter, even the ones whit the best latency that happens sometimes
im guessing your internet is on high server load

But I have like, 5 seconds of perfectly smooth gameplay before it freezes up like that. Still, I'm sensing a problem here.

EDIT: yea i play for some time, build a greatful base, then everything freezes and i have to quit, i get so "happy"
edited 1×, last 01.04.09 01:33:49 am
go to options then graphics tag
turn everything off or to its lowest
that might help
try playing around with
transfer rate
and transfer delay
in the net tab

EDIT: Explain... before you enter...?
Just try again later.