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Soldat Vs. Cs2d
Soldat Vs. Cs2d
94 replies OKay call me crazy but in my opinion i think soldat is way better than cs2d i know ill probably got banned from this website just try it our (soldat) here is the link DC Admin
well it's another concept. side scroller vs top down.
moreover cs2d aims on tactical gameplay (fog of war, sneaking) while soldat is pure action.
nobody gets a ban for his opinion here. ooh
its funny because my friend said the same thing when i told him XD. And i just wanted to see everybody opinion sry if i offended you in anyway i like cs2d much more. i played soldiers some times, it wasn't bad, but it never gets the quality of cs2d! True And not to be a smartaleck but its soldat, And havent you noticed that all the bullets in cs2d go straight exept for the REAL snipers and the m29. In soldat the bullets dont really go straight (not to be mean DC ) They have different modes like realistic (the guns go up each time you shoot but of course you cant have that in a top down game.. So i guess i Just proved DC's Point
Soldat = Funny, but not for a long time (for me)
CS2D = Funny and cool, but still too much hacker =( but i think DC allready has got an idea against hackeR
DC Admin
nearly every weapon has a little random offset for the bullet direction in cs2d. not just the big machine gun. however I have to agree that it is not very realistic. it's not planned to change that though
(one of the problems here is that your weapon will go up/down while shooting and not much to the left or right. but it's impossible to simulate the up/down in cs2d in a good way because it doesn't even have the up/down dimension. this is caused by the perspective. top down vs. side view) DC Admin
the menus are causing serious eye cancer btw and you don't have construction or zombie mode as far as I know
there are good and bad things @ both games. Truehe just made me sign a truce !
Lee Moderator
btw, pwn, I think TKD speaks french so he uses soldier and soldat interchangeably. i think tkd speeks german. DC Admin
right. it's german not french. "Soldat" is the german word for "soldier"
oh, sry =(
i speak german and french, so everyone of you is right
of course it's soldat... im with cs2d, i tried soldat for a week but, its just not as good.
1. cs2d has more weapons
2. more custumized stuff, like make ur own skins without having to pay
3. as DC said zombie mode
4. more options when making a map and stuff
well there was more but i forget, i personaly think cs2d is better
I apologize about that what i said about Soldat and all that, They only thing soldat has that cs2d dosent is costomizable characters. you don't have to apologize
There are times, in which i like more to play other games than cs2d, this is also allowed for you
soldat is in fact a game of action but it is also a game of sneaky and strategy. I kinda switch between the two.
I like Soldat because it's more about having an emensly quick trigger finger and It's a bit more fast paced
I think CS2D has got a more relaxed and tactical gameplay instead of just running in guns blazing (or chainsaw reving, got me many a kill)
So in short they are both great, no, AWSOME games and the best thing, THEY ARE BOTH FREE
oh and Soldat has a "Zombie Survival" mode put it's not proper zombie stuff, teams stay the same throughout