yes your right TD2D steal your account information! and i think all of you dont know who made that crap
Admin/mod comment
DC Admin
Yates: No actually i never posted my clan here,i just replied to them and mentioned that I'm in NoPain.
Maybe you got confused because of my signature. Not only that but:
Can i add something else : SITTING OR DUCK!?
And add voice (Radio from cs1.6 (bot chatter)) Admin/mod comment
you didn't read the first post, right? It's forbidden two suggest these two things because they have been suggested so incredibly often already! STOP IT!
Eternal has written
I still want the test button in map editor , i think it would be useful and helpful with many mappers

Are you too lazy enough to start server?
buraxia3 has written
Eternal has written
I still want the test button in map editor , i think it would be useful and helpful with many mappers

Are you too lazy enough to start server?
Yeah , I'm too lazy , no no i'm extremely lazy
But seriously though just adding the test button won't do any harm right? Least the map editor seems more legit.
DC has written
This is Counter-Strike 2D and CS only has those 8 fractions.
But counter strike online, has more than 8 factions
Admin/mod comment
Are you dumb or something? This is made after CS 1.6 and it has only 8. /Engi
mirkocar has written
maybe can make menu like cs: global offensive:D
Maybe start posting better ideas?
NightHawk has written
Wow, so many new clans.. good to see that the cs2d community hasn't died yet. Any old players still active? CoolRun my {KiNg} bro

lee still here? Oh man, this feels like i'm stepping into an time machine.
Hi Nighthawk, long time no see. Everyone is busy with University. I recently came on to check on things.
BlackBelt has written
Would be nice, images on the serverinfo, [ img ] [ /img ]
Cool, but quite useless, and i think it has already been requested.
On-topic: I'd love to see dynamic minimaps in the game. Pretty much like in CS:S.
What do you mean with "dynamic". edited 1×, last 04.08.12 08:37:25 am
That can be done with an Lua?
PANDA123 has written
Change how scopes work. Make the screen blurry when you scope. Add time limit to how long you can stay in scope. Slight shaking when second scope.
Get your CoD crap out of CS. Now. @
Majatek: my appology. Never played CoD before so i didn't know it.
PANDA123 has written
Majatek: my appology. Never played CoD before so i didn't know it.
It's okay, It's just that I have this distinct set-in-stone expectation of FPS games these days, that CoD remains CoD so that I can enjoy CoD when I get sick of everything else, or so that I can enjoy CS because it stays CS when I get sick of everything else, or so that I can enjoy Halo because Halo stays like Halo (more or less) when I get sick of everything else.
My idea is that an idea actually gets taken from someone that has given an idea Admin/mod comment
This is actually happening all the time in all releases. It's impossible to add everything to the game though. So please don't spam pointless posts like this one to the thread because it ruins the thread /DC
Did not notice, thanks.
Vici has written
3. Bomb bag as an actual, spawnable item
I'm going to second this idea as I also want to place bombs on my map instead of the bomb being distributed to a terrorist at the round start.
It could even make de_ more fun! hehe
Admin/mod comment
DrL has written
First:The Flamethrower.
If there's a Flamethrower(The Primary)
When we switch to the other weapons(Secondary,Knife,Extra1 and 2)
There is the tank at our back.
Second:Le Editor
The Editor's new Shortcut for "Undo"(Ctrl-Z)
It just Undo's the Tiles and not the Entities.
4Vendetta has written
Maybe, not add new NPC's but, allow you to choose in map editor to make then attack only Tr's or only Ct's...
I think this is a good idea.
(I was going to say it)