
Silent_Control has written
Yep,on russian "soldat" is Soldier.Bulgarian almost understand all russian language. About Soldat, in my country the word "Soldier" is incorrect. Correctly spelled is "soldat".
There is a simple program (no hack!) What you can use to change color of skin, i repeat again It's no hack!
The soldat community posted it themselfs..
But the game it's self is good, you can make own maps.
And there is a duckhunt game on it

Furthermore, I suffer from quite recent crashes and error messages with as only way out killing the process via the tasklist.
I think the idea behind Soldat is pretty good (though it certainly wasn't the first side-view 2D shooter), yet the realization could have been better (CS2D is a lot better in that aspect).

Comparing CS2D to Soldat only gives you a total Clusterfuck , There's nothing to compare at all when you compare between these two games
Well , except maybe the price , but what the hell
Banaan has written
CoolRun = Back?

I still lurk the Unreal forums as well as play CS2D from time to time. You just don't see me posting too often. I'm more suited to Soldat at the moment since I have had remote admin to a few servers for a very long time.
Offtopic: Nice to see you again, CoolRun!
Many mods
Alot servers and good players
DC administrating perfectly
Alot features like Zombies!,Construction,DM...
And many more!
Bad things about CS2D:
Much cheaters
Found bug(If you reload your pistol and you switch to your primary when it makes reload sound,it reloades your primary,btw sorry for bad English)
Good things about Soldat:
You can get in stuff
Translate into all languages(maybe)
Much blood

Bad things about Soldat:
Small maps(for me)
Not enough weapons
Not enough maps
I rate stars for CS2D : 4

I rate stars for Soldat : 3

edited 2×, last 30.11.10 10:26:52 pm
PS: My brother has played Soldat for a very long time, he's been world champion twice I think and is an admin on their website (sctfl.net). However he has stopped playing now due to lack of time and his mates left also. SS ~ Mar77a
PeterToman has written
Bad things about Soldat:
Small maps(for me)
Not enough weapons
Not enough maps
Small maps(for me)
Not enough weapons
Not enough maps
Actually, some maps are pretty big. You just need to find the servers that host maps not made from the original map list. You could always find more maps if you join different gamemodes. TW (Trench Wars) actually have huge space on the maps. On a side note, I have over 1600+ maps for Soldat altogether.
united has written
PS: My brother has played Soldat for a very long time, he's been world champion twice I think and is an admin on their website (sctfl.net). However he has stopped playing now due to lack of time and his mates left also. SS ~ Mar77a
I read about SS ~. They were really beast back then, especially in SCTFL 15 (Soldat Capture the Flag League 15). Their whole W:L:T ratio was 67:2:3. That's just insane. I'll stick to climbing thank you very much.
I agree with your stance of the competitive nature of Soldat. But who knows. Hopefully we'll get to see the day when CS2D runs successful annual tournaments available for everyone to enjoy.
Thanks Silent.

united has written
Oh, and Soldat provides an anti cheat system for the tournaments 

While CS2D have got it too